Hi there R2 Families!
Crikey! We are going into week 6 of Autumn 2! The Christmas season is truly upon us and we have learnt about what Advent means to Christians. It was the Jewish festival of Hannukah this week too and we enjoyed finding out about this Jewish custom. We have enjoyed some lovely craft activities and made collages of symbols of these events.
In maths we have learnt about positional language i.e. above, below, next to and we discussed shapes with 4 sides. We enjoyed being shape detectives and hunting for 2-D shapes that were placed around the classroom and we learnt about how to make a tally each time we found one.
We've learnt about the letter sound correspondences for f and ff. Ff has a rule, it will never be found at the start of a word, only occasionally in the middle-coffee and most likely at the end-puff.
The children impressed me when they independently wrote CVC words (words like c-a-t with a consonant, vowel, consonant) to go with pictures. They did a super job of really tuning in and listening for the initial, middle and final sounds in the words and they recalled and formed the letters that represented them.
Our sports coaches, Mr Shingler and Steve and Sam complimented R2's listening skills when following instructions and for their ability to work as a team. They are proper super stars.
Next week sees us learning 2 new sounds-l and ll. Miss Hodgson and I will be carrying out some end of term assessments in maths and phonics and tis' the season of glitter and glue, so we'll be get Christmas crazy crafty! Expect some beautiful gifts coming home soon! We are rehearsing some songs ready to perform them to you in the playground on Friday, you're in for a treat!
Our medal winner this week was Connie. She has impressed us with the progress she had made in her reading skills, her determination to master blending and for growing in confidence. Well done Connie!
Layla brought home the family goodie bag on Friday for recognition of her efforts in her reading and phonics homework. Well done Layla!
Here are a few reminders...
Friday 10th December is Christmas Jumper Day, in return for the children wearing a Christmassy jumper that day, please bring in a monetary donation for Manchester Children's Hospital, there will be a donations basket at the gate at the start of the school day.
Friday 10th December-we'll be asking for and collecting a monetary donation from you to enable us to buy the children party food, drink, prizes and treats for their Reception 2 Christmas party in the subsequent/last week of term. We want for them to have lots of fun! So your donations will be very much appreciated. There will be a donations basket at the gate at the start of the day.
Friday 10th December at 2.30 we'll be performing some Christmassy songs in the playground just for you!
Please check the separate Homework page here on our class page to find out this week's homework.
Please ensure that the children don't bring juice in their water bottles, just water please-thanks.
I hope that you enjoy these lovely pics of your little peeps...
Happy Weekend!
Mrs Cook x