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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning and happy Tuesday everybody!

Let’s get going with today’s home learning!


We are going to continue to find out about how humans grow and change as they get older. Watch the lesson by following the link below. The activity at the end of the lesson asks you to role play (pretend) to look after a baby. You are asked to get a babies nappy and a doll. I appreciate that many of you will not have these resources so therefore I would like you to discuss the activity with your child.

Once you have finished the lesson, it would be a nice opportunity to have a look at some photographs of your child as a baby and ones at different stages of their growing so far. Encourage your child to tell you things that they could do then and things that they can do now.


Our literacy activity for today is to complete the human life cycle. Look at the pictures together and then cut and stick the in the correct order. You can either look at the sheet and complete verbally on the screen or print off if you prefer. Following on from that I would like your child to complete the sentences below.

When I was a toddler I could____________________________.

Now I am 4/5 I can_____________________________________.


Enjoy playing Poop Deck Pirates. Choose 2 sounds that your child has been practising. They need to read the word click the green tick to keep the real word and click the red cross if it’s a silly word. Have fun!

Watch and listen to The Tricky Words Rap

The Tricky Words Rap - A Phase 2 Phonics Song

Everybody on the count of four, get learning tricky words with a dinosaur! Join in with our new tricky words rap and learn some of those tricky words which d...


Warm your brains up by asking your child to count forwards and then backwards, working with numbers within 10/20. Can they count on from a number that you give them? Following on from that, I would like you to play the Caterpillar Ordering game by following the link below. Grown-ups, there are many different options with this game, so please choose one that is most suited to your child.


For your physical activity today, have a go at completing another one of Mr Shingler’s challenges.

Mr Shingler's challenge 2


Listen to Mrs Spooner reading the story Once There Were Giants by Martin Waddell

Once There Were Giants

Thank you for your fantastic efforts today! I will look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
