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Week 4 week beginning 24th January

Happy Friday everybody!

What a busy week it has been in Reception 1.

In phonics we have focussed on v and w. The children are becoming more confident with identifying and reading words with these sounds in. They are also having a real good go at writing some of these words and forming the letters correctly and the correct size. 


In maths this week we have worked on measures. Using the scales to understand what balanced means and also heavier and lighter. I was impressed with how the children used the correct vocabulary and also predicted what they thought was going to happen. Following on from that we investigated capacity. Starting with measuring liquid, the children were able to fill a beaker full, nearly full and nearly empty and then show an empty beaker. We also had a think about how many different objects we could put into a small box. 


Carrying on with our TOYS topic, the children have been writing labels for toys, remembering to use their phonic skills. We have discussed and sorted toys according to the material they are made from and also which toys we play with indoors and which we play with outdoors. The children were confident to say which material a toy was made from.


Mr Shingler and Sam and Steve the football coaches have been impressed yet again by your children. They listen and follow their instructions and show determination to be able to do what they have been shown.


We have a new medal winner today - Jessica! Well done Jessica for being a happy, smiley little girl who has really grown in confidence. Jessica always tries hard and is a kind and caring member of our class.


Please can I ask that you all continue to help your child practise their sounds, words and reading daily and comment in their yellow reading record book. This really helps them with their confidence and progress.


Miss Edwards and I would like to thank you all for your continued support. Enjoy having a look through our slideshow.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
