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World Book Day Thursday 6th March - You can dress up as your favourite character or wear comfortable clothes

Week beginning 29th June 2020

We hope you enjoyed the Harry Potter writing last week.


This week we are going to recount a story. You will need to listen carefully and perhaps play it a few times so that it becomes familiar to you. The story is called Cantankerous King Colin and it is very funny! 


As you are re-writing, recounting what happened, (so you do not need to worry about new ideas) we would like you to focus on a number of different things.


Firstly you need to listen carefully and notice features of this story-


repetitive language

use of adjectives

different characters and their names(proper nouns)

different types of punctuation ! ? " " ...


You may notice in the story that there are lots of characters that say something, this is shown by using speech marks/inverted commas " ". See if you can include them in your re-write. This is something that will be new to many of you and please only have a go if you feel confident to. There is a PowerPoint below to show you how to do it, if you want to try.


You should try and include the same features that Steve Allcock had in this story.


If you want to have a go at joined-up handwriting but have forgotten some of the letter-joins try the worksheet below, which also practises spelling the common exception words at the same time!



Cantankerous King Colin

Listen to this story about a very grumpy King who thinks he can do whatever he wants, until someone pops by to tell him he can't!

There is also a website called letter-join that are offering a free subscription to parents at the moment. There are some worksheets you can download or if you do not have a printer your child can simply copy them onto lined paper.

Extra Activity if needed-
