Hello Reception 2 Families!
Welcome to this week's round up! Well, what a wonderful week we have had! Well done to group 5 & 6 who had a lovely one hour visit on Monday morning and afternoon. All of the children really embraced their longer visits on Tuesday and Wednesday and just when Miss Hodgson and I thought that we couldn't possibly be more impressed, on Thursday and Friday they all settled beautifully into our lunch time routines too! Mrs Lavelle, their lunch time assistant said that they were super!
This week we have mainly been getting acquainted with our classroom and with one another. The children have all been getting to grips with routines, expectations and exploring their new territory and they have quite simply been AMAZING!
Next week we are going to continue with a Getting to Know You kind of theme. We will be sharing a couple of books by Todd Parr called It's ok to be Different and The Book of Families. I have uploaded a Youtube retell of each of these stories below for you to share them at home too. The children will be invited to talk about what makes them unique and tell us about their families. Miss Hodgson will be helping the children to look closely at their faces and draw a self-portrait. I will begin to carry out some early assessments to gain some insight into where the children are at in different aspects of their learning so that we can build a picture of their learning needs. It's going to be a busy week and the children will be beginning to manage a full school day.
It just remains for me to say 'Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine!'
Mrs Cook