This week in the area of Understanding of the World we will start our ‘movement’ topic with a focus on the story book
Toot Toot Beep Beep by Emma Garcia
Sand play
Do you have sand at home? Make a road in the sand for your cars to go in.
Water play
Can you make a simple car wash for your cars - give your toy cars a good wash.
Maybe you could help your Mum or Dad to wash their car.
Take a look at speed and direction
Try pushing your toy cars along to see how far they go.
Which of your toys go fastest or which are the slowest
What is it that enables your cars to go
Set up a simple ramp to push your car up or to slide your car down.
Make a simple bridge for you car to drive over.
Make a tunnel for your car to drive through.
Let’s think about wheels
And engines
Cars need petrol and oil to enable them to go
Each week we will continue to look at the nature that surrounds us. Movement in nature can be seen all throughout the year. My weeping willow is growing fast now. This year I won’t cut it back so we can watch it grow together.
The tadpoles are doing really well. Mr Vail's pond is so interesting! Look at all the movement that is going on in the pond.
Check out this latest video clip with lots of tadpole and frog activity going still going on!