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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Spring 2

Our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half-term and some ideas of how you can help at home.

Week beginning 13th March

What a great week of learning it has been in 1G!

We have started our new book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and the children have really enjoyed getting to understand the main character Max and how he felt at different parts of the story. In Maths we have continued with our multiplication and division work, grouping and sharing objects as well as learning about arrays. The children have really worked hard to grasp these concepts and in the maths folder above you will find some games to support this work if you would like to practise at home.


In Geography we have been learning about the different countries you can visit in the UK and some of their most memorable features. In Science we are continuing to learn the names of different flowering plants as well as observe their similarities and differences. In Art we practised our observational drawing skills and used our watercolours to paint pictures of daffodils. The children really enjoyed this activity and have continued to use the watercolours independently throughout the week.


Have a great weekend everybody and we look forward to seeing you for Parent’s Evening on Wednesday 22nd or Thursday 23rd March.

Week beginning 6th March

We have really enjoyed our science work this week. On Monday there was an exciting surprise waiting for us in class… our class sunflower seed had grown and sprouted over the weekend!

We carried on with our planting this week and sowed some tomato plant seeds kindly given to us by 1C. We are keeping them nice and warm on our window ledge away from the cold weather! We have also been learning about the similarities and differences between different flowering plants using magnifying glasses.

We then used the flowers and made our own relief sculptures like Andy Goldsworthy. We really enjoyed looking at the different sculptures he has made and what materials he used. It was lots of fun and we’re sure you will enjoy the results below.

In English we are continuing to practise our handwriting and using different punctuation in our sentences (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks). In maths we have been counting in 2’s and 5’s and noticing the patterns (using a 50 square) when we count. We have used some rhymes to help us remember odd and even numbers.


2,4,6,8,0 count the evens and you’ll be a hero

1,3,5,7,9 count the odds and you’ll do fine

Week beginning 27th February

What a super week it’s been in 1G! In English we have started to read the story The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis and wrote instructions on how to take care of one. They did some super writing and Mrs Walkden was very impressed. Well done 1G! In maths we have been comparing the different heights and lengths of different objects using cubes or a ruler.

In Art the children have continued to look at paintings of sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin and how the different artists interpreted the flowers. The children had a go at drawing some sunflowers themselves and below is a selection. They saw how they had each interpreted the same photograph but in different ways.

Finally, we enjoyed dressing up for our bedtime stories themed day on Friday for World Book Day. The children looked fantastic 😊.

Week beginning 20th February

The children have really enjoyed being back in school this week, playing with their friends 😊


We are continuing with our topic Up, Up and Away thinking about the places you can travel to. In Geography we have learnt about England and the capital city of London. In Maths we have been continuing working with our numbers to 50, finding one more or less and comparing two numbers to say which values are greater or less than. In RE we found out about why Shrove Tuesday was important to Christians and why people eat pancakes on this day. The children loved finding out about this as well as sharing which topping they liked best on pancakes!


In our English work we have been using non-fiction books to help use answer questions about plants in our Science lessons. We have learnt about the different parts of plants and that some of the plants can be eaten. We have also learnt about the lifecycle of a sunflower plant and sent some seeds home to plant, so the children can watch them grow.


Next week

Don’t forget we are celebrating World Book Day on Friday with a ‘bedtime stories’ theme. From Monday we will be collecting any book donations to support our school library.

Monday 20th February

Welcome back to school everyone!

Just to let you know that PE this half term will be on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and the children can come to school in their PE kits on those days.
