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Week beginning 8th June 2020

This week in maths we are going to practise our number bonds (otherwise known as number facts, number pairs) for 10.


Here are 5 PowerPoint presentations to practise number bonds for 10. You can use one for each day of learning! They contain song and repetative language that will help reinforce and consolidate the bonds.

Here are some recorded work sheet to practise and secure knowledge of number bonds...
Here are some practical number stories and challenges to use number bonds in context...
Here are some crazy YouTube videos with songs and stories to help secure number bonds to 10...

Let's all do the 10 dance (number bonds to 10 song)

Come on everybody Let's all do the 10 dance. Grab your 10 partner and head out on the dance floor! A super fun and funky dance tune about the number combinat...

Making Ten (Number Bonds to 10 Song) - Mr. Chris

A catchy, fun song to help children learn their number bonds to 10. It has a Numicon video so the children can see the numbers making the bonds. Available on...
