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World Book Day Thursday 6th March - You can dress up as your favourite character or wear comfortable clothes

Homework 04.2.22

Please focus on spellings and reading this week. It is so important that your child reads little and often with an adult.


Yet another epic week of spellings! Mrs Nield was blown away with how many children got so many right!And so was I!


Please remember to

  • use pencil
  • always form letters correctly
  • present it neatly
  • try and extend your sentences by using because, but or so.


I will be awarding children who have worked hard on homework with a little prize at the end of next week(everyone is on my list at the moment, so keep it up 2D!).


Maths- Miss Ryde has been teaching time this week. To support your child further please ask them to tell the time on an analogue clock when it is o'clock and half-past. If they are confident move onto quarter past and quarter to, or even to the nearest 5 minutes!
