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Autumn 2

Father Christmas visits on party day!

Our party photographs

Our fabulous class cake with everyone’s name on! Thank you!!

Well we had an amazing time in our last week before the Christmas holidays. Parties, pantomimes, hot chocolate and popcorn and of course the visit of Santa and his elf. 

Thank you so much from myself and Miss Hamilton for our lovely gifts. We are so lucky. 

We loved singing our songs for parents no you so much for coming along to watch us. Mrs Murphy had a great time teaching the children some Christmas dance moves and what great dancers we have in 2F!


I hope you all have a restful Christmas break it sure won’t be the usual busy time where we can meet up with friends and family but I’m sure that you will all enjoy the family time together. 

Party Day 

Look at our amazing outfits and selfies! 

5 a day fitness in 2F

Still image for this video

Week 5

What a week of fun! 
Christmas cards, calendars, tree decorations and the elf on the shelf daily challenge! 
The children are loving the elf trophies and the Santa chairs! The hardest place to find him was when he hiding in Mrs Richardson’s sweet jar! 
Mrs Richardson is our designated lunch time organiser and the children have been playing games on our “pitch” area every lunch time! We are so lucky to have you Mrs Richardson! On wet lunch breaks the children have their own colouring and busy books and love to play eye and other games. Please see Mrs Richardson with the children! 
We thoroughly enjoyed the concert this week listening to lots of different instruments and learning about different musicians. We gave Victoria Park Infants and Juniors a cheer when they mentioned our names. 
Please can you practice telling the time this week with your child. Telling the time is a tricky concept and each individual child has different experiences of clocks, watches and digital times. In Year 2 the children will need to know the time in o’clock, half past, quarter past and to times moving onto 5 minute intervals! 

The children loved drawing with Rob! We hope you like the finished results on your calendar! I was amazed at the standard of drawings! Well done 2F!!

Week 4 

Time is flying by. I can’t believe that we are nearly at the end of the Autumn term.

The children have received letters this week about the party and the concert. We have been preparing for the concert by making crowns and shakers to accompany the songs. 
Lots of primary schools in Trafford will be coming together to sing and listen to all kinds of Christmas music. 
We can’t wait! 
The children have been learning about data handling in mathematics and revising multiplication and division. Next week we move onto to “Time” please have a look at calendars and clocks! 

Practising for the concert!

Still image for this video

Week 4


Isn’t it amazing how time flies? This week we mentioned the word ‘Elf’ and the children were so excited. The countdown to Christmas begins.

This week we made our own Elf on the shelf to hide in our own homes. We made the elves based on the story of flat Stanley who is a fictional character in the story of Flat Stanley. We made a twin elf and have hung them on washing lines in the classroom and the lucky elf will be the winner of the advent calendar prize.


We are taking part in the music extravaganza and the children have been busy practising the songs with signs and actions. Unfortunately we are still not allowed to sing in the classroom but this doesn’t dampen our fun. I hope you enjoy the photos of the children doing the actions on our zoom practice with the other classes on Thursday.


We have been looking at fractions halves and quarters of numbers and have been practising sharing equally. Some children have started to work on 3/4 of numbers too. 

Please continue to learn times tables and division facts and keep practising the education city tasks.

In science we have been investigating different types of materials for different purposes and the children had great fun designing animal homes both indoor and outdoor. We have looked at natural materials and the children enjoyed looking at how natural materials can be turned into other objects. 

Please keep up the amazing work with the spelling homework. I’m very impressed. 

The next few weeks are going to be such good fun plenty of glitter, sparkle and for this week exciting elf activities.

I hope you are all well and it was fabulous to touch base on parent’s evening to talk about your amazing children! 


Week 3

This week we have been working on division in maths and started with sharing practically into groups. We then went onto more formal methods of dividing by 2,5 and 10. The children were really catching onto division and as the week went on they became more confident. What Superstars! 
We have continued to learn more about the Great Fire of London and looked at the replica houses Mrs Hart made. We talked about wood as the main material used to build housing at the time and how this contributed to the Great Fire. We continued to write diary entries this week.

We watched several video clips about fire engines in 1666 and compared this model to one from today.

The children found the fire fighters costumes funny! 
To enhance your knowledge on the Great  Fire of London please have a look at these activities and games. It’s a great site! 

In science we have been researching properties of materials and have been discovering how glass and metal are made. We enjoyed the curious cat programmes that were interesting and informative.

In dance the current project is amazing, the children are looking at the continent of Africa and the children are gaining knowledge of how animals move and how to represent these movements individually  and with a mirrored partner.

In football skills the children are progressing to mini games. 
Mrs Shannon has been making Divali pictures and hand designs with the children this week! 
Another amazing week of hard work, play, fun and creativity! 
Well done 2F! 


Sorry 2F

I realise that our class updates for the last couple of weeks are actually in Autumn 1!!  I have included lots of photographs of your hard work for you to share with your grown ups but put them in the wrong folder - I am so sorry.  Please go into Autumn 1 and it will be the first thing that you see.

Please check out Education City for the maths homework links and games for multiplication. We were learning about multiplication last week and this is your opportunity to show off your maths skills at home.

A quick note for parents:

Please keep the maths squared paper book at home - if I send home maths worksheets for extra practice, please stick them in your squared book at home.

(This book may also be used for any maths work if your child has to self isolate)

I will also be sending home a lined book this week - this can be used to stick in topic activities or to write book reviews in

(This book may also be used for any written work if your child has to self isolate)

Just to trick you, the lined writing book is the same colour as their spelling book so be careful that you don't get muddled up!

