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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Spring 1 Arctic Explorers Home Learning

School will re-open for key worker children tomorrow Wednesday 6th January. Our times will remain the same, 9:10-3:10 and we will use the same gate as before.


Hello lovely families! It was fantastic to see you in school yesterday, having fun and catching up with your friends. Miss Edwards and I had a super day with you. I really am feeling quite sad that we can not all be together in school, having fun, playing and starting our new topic. Whilst you are at home I am going to ask your grown ups to help you with some fun activities and learning. Home learning will start on Thursday 7th January. Each day I will upload a literacy/phonics, maths, topic and a physical activity on to our class page. I am really going to miss you all. Therefore, Miss Edwards and I would really like you to share your activities and achievements with us. I would like it if you could ask your grown ups to email me pictures of what you have been busy doing.

Please spend lots of time relaxing, cuddling your family, smiling, laughing and giggling and keeping yourselves safe and well.

Take care and I look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe to do so.


Mrs Spooner x


Grown ups, please be assured that the key worker children in school will be accessing the same activities that will be set on the class page. They will not be being taught. Our aim to ensure that all children are given the same opportunities.

