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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.


I hope you are all feeling well and happy. 


It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of the school year!  


Had we have been in the nursery this week we would have been holding our annual Teddy Bears picnic to say our farewell to all the children. 


We will finish our movement topic with a focus on teddy bears!  See if you can have your own 'Teddy Bears' picnic at home with your family and your  favourite teddy bears.


This week we will be delivering your child's report to you. 

Children please look in the big envelope when it arrives - you will find a 'little' surprise inside for you!


I feel quite tearful as I write this message saying goodbye in this way crying


The most important thing is that we all remain safe, well and happy. 


Enjoy the summer holidays, have fun and take care!


I look forward to seeing you all once again in September.


With Love as always from


Mrs Abbot, Mrs Howarth, Miss Myles and Miss Brown




A message for our nursery Children

My favourite nursery song
