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World Book Day Thursday 6th March - You can dress up as your favourite character or wear comfortable clothes

Week 4

Hello R2 Families laugh

What a super week! We have begun to practise learning the songs for our Christmas Production and the children are doing a great job. yes

In maths we have been subitising, looking at different representations of and making 1 more and 1 less on a five frame of the numbers 4 and 5. 

In Drawing Club we really loved the story 'Don't Tell the Dragon by Lemn Sissay, we have some budding illustrators and story tellers for sure!

In phonics we have learnt about the letter sounds h and b and we continue to practise the correct formation of the letters we learn, along with correctly forming the letters in our names. 

In our topic work we have continued to explore our senses and have explored different textures using our sense of touch. We explored different describing words for our findings.

Next week we'll learn about Advent and the Christmas bells are definitley beginning to jingle in the not too far distance! We are crafting some very special Christmas surprises for you. heart

Please wrap your child up as snug as bugs as a cold snap is looming. Please ensure that they still bring a clean, fresh bottle of water every day too.

Enjoy your weekends everyone and enjoy the photies!!

Mrs Cook x x x x

