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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 6

Hello Reception 1 families!

Wow, these weeks really are whizzing by. The children have continued to amaze Miss Edwards and I with how settled in class they have become. The friendships are blossoming and they are all making progress with their learning.

What have you been busy doing this week I hear you ask. Well, we have continued to use the fantastic book Here We Are and we have moved on to finding out about the fabulous people in our community who keep us safe and healthy. They have explored the roles of health workers, the police, dentists, firefighters and postal workers. The children feel that these roles are important and that the people are very busy!

We have had fun with feathers in the classroom which created lots of smiles and giggles. Our autumn tray is continuing to look interesting and inviting and the children continue to use the magnifying glasses to investigate the finds, especially the veins and colours of the leaves. In class we looked at examples of a few different x-rays and the children have had a go looking closely at an x-ray of a hand and trying to draw this themselves using chalk and black paper. We have matched which emergency service would use particular vehicles and equipment. After finding out about the role of the police the children created their own fingerprints to see if they were the same as their friends or different. We have talked to the children this week about phoning 999 in an emergency and what you need to say to the operator. Maybe you could talk with your child about what their address is.

The children have had a packed lunches this week and I just want to say "well done" to all the children who are remembering to use their manners and being very sensible whilst having their lunch. Next week we will be having hot school dinners.

Please have a look at our pictures of what a busy week it has been! Building castles and models, sharing, taking turns, drawing x-rays and much more.



Miss Edwards and I have been helping the children to develop a secure pencil grip. You could help at home by encouraging your child to hold a pen/pencil with a tripod grip. This is shown in the picture below. To help develop your child's confidence, please can you encourage them to 'mark make' on paper and draw patterns like circles, zigzags, swirls, straight lines. These are known as pre-writing patterns which we practice before writing letters and writing our names. By doing this on scraps of paper, envelopes, cereal boxes or any other paper you may have around the house will help your child a great deal.
During our Celebration zoom assembly this week, Ariella was chosen to be our star of the week for being kind, helpful and hard working throughout the week. Well done and keep up the hard work Ariella!

Moving on to next week! We are going to be finding out about different types of animals and their habitats, still using our super book Here We Are as our starting block.

Miss Edwards and I would like the children to think about their favourite animal and to draw a picture of the animal to bring to school with them on Monday.

I look forward to seeing which animals are most popular.


** A reminder that it is individual photographs on Tuesday 13th October **


Thank you parents once again, for your continued support this week.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and manage to dodge the rain and have some well earned family time outdoors!


Mrs Spooner x

