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Welcome back to Victoria Park Infant School

Summer 1

What another fantastic week we have had in Reception 1.

May we start with a big ‘Thank You’ for all the lovely comments we received at Parents Evening last week.  It was so lovely sharing the fantastic progress that the children have made with you all.

The children have really enjoyed their new adventures, going back to prehistoric times.  They have enjoyed sharing their knowledge and blew us away with how much they already knew.  They had so much fun making a dinosaur egg craft. We then ended our week at having a go at being palaeontologists where we carefully chipped and brushed away to discover the dinosaur inside the brick.

As always, the children spent a lot of their time having fun in our outdoor area too!

Enjoy looking at our pictures from the week,

Looking forward to another great week of ‘Prehistoric Adventures’ and lots of fun in the sun,  next week.

Please remember to apply sun cream to your children before school 


Week 5


Take a look at all our pictures- it has been a busy week in Reception 1!



Week four already!

We started off our week with a visit from  ????/ who taught us some new songs

We were also lucky enough to have an extra dance session with Kourtney.

We have spent lots of time learning and playing in our outdoor area this week.  We made some great dens with the large wooden blocks and crates.   A group of boys even made a bed and took turns to have a lay down on it.

We enjoyed making kites , and had a go at  flying them in the play area.   We are looking forward to more windy days next week, so that we can continue with this.  

Joshua is our medal winner this week   Joshua had made fantastic progress in all areas but we are extremely proud of his beautiful handwriting and his confidence to try new things.  He was very pleased with himself when Mrs Walkden placed the medal around his neck.

In maths this week the children have been focussing on manipulating shapes.  They made some super tangrams and had fun with the geo-metrix shape activities too.   They have blown Miss Wilson away with their amazing listening skills and even remembered the names of some tricky shapes like rhombus and parallelogram. Next week we will be looking more closely 2d and 3d shapes.

We have finished our literacy work on Hansel and Gretel by creating some fantastic gingerbread houses in our groups.  This involved lots of communication and negotiation to decide where door, window and sweets would be placed.   Next week we will be looking at Rapunzel by Bethan Woolvin.   We are looking forward to finding out the twist in this version of this traditional tale.  

We are eager to join drawing club each week.  This week some of us collected our power pencil for collecting 10 tokens.  We look forward to more power pencil give-aways in the next few weeks.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Hello Reception 1 families


The weeks are whizzing by. We have had yet another super week of fun and learning. The children are continuing to amaze Sam with their fantastic listening skills.


We have been fantastic mathematicians this week, and have enjoyed doing lots of practical addition and subtraction activities. Next week we will be moving on to 2d shapes.


We have continued our work on ‘Little Red’ this week with some super work creating a non-fiction booklet about wolves. We had a try at weaving coloured paper through a pre-cut paper basket.


This week we said ‘goodbye’ to our froglets. We have observed their fascinating life cycle from frogspawn to froglet. But now if is time for them to return to their pond.

Week 2


Well, we have had another great week in R1. We started our week with a

fantastic ‘Skip to be fit’ workshop.


We got stuck in to our new topic ‘Let’s Go on an Adventure with our topic book Little Red by Bethan Woolvin. The children enjoyed drawing the character in the style of the author


Minha is this week’s medal winner, for always trying her best. Clever girl!


The children were thrilled with the purchase of our new wooden blocks and they didn’t waste anytime in building and creating some fantastic structures.


We have also enjoyed some fun in our outdoor area- when it has stopped raining!

Week 1


Welcome back! What a fantastic first week we have had in Reception1...


The children have welcomed Miss Wilson and made a great impression on her! We hope that Miss Wilson will enjoy her time with us.


The children have been amazing. They have enjoyed their first football coaching session in P.E and had a day of investigating 'Air' for STEM week; we got to use bubbles and balloons! 


We have embraced the weather this week and enjoyed using our new shelter!


Our medal winner this week is Sebastian- what a great attitude to learning.Well done.


Please note that our P.E days are now Tuesday and Thursday. We finished our amazing week with some scooter fun with SCOOTFIT.


Hope you enjoy looking through the pictures.
