Hello Reception 2 Families
Welcome to Friday’s home learning!
Here is a wee message from Mrs Cook, just follow the green link below...
Can I remind everyone that you all have an Education City login. Education City is a brilliant learning platform that our school subscribes to. It hosts an incredible wealth of on line interactive activities and print offs. Many of you have mentioned already that your child is accessing it and enjoying it. If you have lost your login then please email me and I will send it to you again. If you have a login but just haven’t tried it out yet then please do! Here’s a link, have a good nosy!
Friday’s Literacy/Phonics
Go through the Jolly Phonics video and practise carrying out the songs and actions. Here is the link to the video…
Today let’s take a closer look at the ‘ng’ digraph…
In the next activity you can either print it off and your child work through it or you can read it on the screen and work through it together. The worksheet link is at the bottom of this page.
Read each word by segmenting and blending it. Decide if it is a real or a made up nonsense word.
Choose a colour for real words and a colour for nonsense words.
Well done for doing a super sonic job of really getting into this week’s story The Polar Bear’s Home. I wonder if you could make up a story about an Arctic adventure that you go on?! You can be an illustrator and tell the story in pictures, you can say the story out loud to your grown up and they can scribe it for you, you can act it out in a play, you can tell it in a song, you could write a comic strip about it and some of you may wish to write it using your super phonics.
Let’s think about what a story needs. Well, this week we learnt about how a story needs characters, a setting and it needs a beginning, a middle and an end which are in the right order. Can you have a think about these things first?
Now, there is usually a problem that occurs in any story and that problem usually gets solved somehow or by someone. So what will go wrong on your Arctic adventure?! EEEEEKKKK!
Who and how will you solve the problem?
Grown ups, the writing isn’t essential but some children love to express themselves with writing. The object of this activity is for the children to set their imagination free! Just have a big dialogue if you like and write down what they say if you like. At the end of this page there will be a themed writing page, a comic strip template and some props. Have fun and don’t forget to send photos!
Friday’s Maths Work
Let’s warm up our maths brains!
Follow the slide show which will demonstrate how to form numbers to 10. Each has a rhyme which acts as a mnemonic to help to remember how to form each number correctly. Have fun! The link to the slideshow is at the bottom of this page.
Listen to the Number Blocks video which shows us how to find 1 more
Join in with Mrs Cook as we count carefully to find 1 more and 1 less. The link for this slide show is at the bottom of this page.
At the very bottom of this page you’ll find the links for 2 work sheets to practise 1 more 1 less. One is to 10 the other to 20.
Friday’s Topic Work
Enjoy these videos to find out even more about polar bears!
Friday’s Physical Challenge
Get your bodies moving and dance along with the yeti in this brilliant guided dance!
After that crazy dance let’s have a lovely chilled out meditation
It just remains for me and Miss Hodgson to say…
We’ll be back for more brilliant learning on Monday! Keep the photos coming for the gallery and please don’t forget to email me if I can help.
Mrs Cook x