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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Friday 13th November 2020

Hello and welcome to our 'Friday Assembly' page. 


We hope that this gives you a little insight into the wider aspects of school life, the bits the children forget to tell you about but are nice to know.  One of my favourite parts of the school week, is Friday morning assembly.


Friday assembly has always been the most special assembly of the week in our school.  It is the time when all of the school comes together to share achievements and celebrations and this year is no different.  We still have children celebrating birthdays and there are still children who are really shining in class for different reasons and these things must be recognised and valued.


However, this term, our Friday morning assembly looks a little bit different.  Instead of meeting together in our main hall, we either meet via Zoom in individual classrooms or more recently, in the playground, in our socially distanced, class bubbles.  All of the school are learning to sign the 'Happy Birthday' song and children who celebrate their birthday, come to the front and we sign along to celebrate with them.


Also, in our Friday assembly, a medal winner is chosen from each class.  The medal winner might be chosen for great work, showing effort or determination or displaying acts of kindness or friendship.  The teacher chooses the medal winner from their class and surprises them in assembly and tells the whole school why they have been chosen.  They are given a medal to wear around school for a week.


But of course, a celebration would not be a celebration, without music and dancing.  Over the last two weeks, the children have had their first whole school assemblies together, outdoors, rather than on Zoom.  It was lovely to be able to see each other, all together again, listening to music and dancing, and I thought that you might like to share this at home too.  You will see that some children are more confident than others but keep tuning in over the next few weeks and see how things quickly change as they get used to the new assembly arrangements.  As they say on Strictly, "keep dancing..."


Click on the link below to see snippets of Friday's assembly.  Hopefully next time, we will have all classes back in school, joining in.


Best wishes

Mrs Walkden

Friday 13th November
