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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Spring 1

Remote Learning begins!


Please find your 3 activities in the folder below. Please try your best and if you get all of them done I will be very proud of you. Parents, if the day doesn't quite go as planned (as we all know as parents there are days that don't) you can always catch up another day. We have tried to make the learning clear and concise. The layout will be the same everyday-


  • English
  • Maths
  • Topic


One of these lessons will have an accompanying video each day. Tasks will also be set on Education City and don't forget BBC Bitesize is broadcasting on T.V everyday. I am conscious that remote learning can be screen-heavy, so please take time to be creative, go outside, get baking or just relax. The children in school will be having downtime too, and also don't forget that if you are learning at home this is 1:1 so it is very intense! If you need any further support please contact me.

Hello everyone! This is not really how I imagined I would start this term. I am incredibly sad that I will not be able to see some of you in the next few weeks, but I look forward to seeing all your home learning achievements and keeping in touch with your grown-ups to check on how you are doing.


The online learning will start on Thursday. I will upload each day one at a time and there will be activities to complete. We will have English, Numeracy and one Foundation subject. Some of the activities will be practical and some will require written work. We will also be using Education City and I will provide you with lots of fun websites to visit.


I know that some of you will find it very tricky to be at home doing your work, but I know that you will try very hard and that your grown-ups will help if possible. You are such grown-up children, so some of the work can be completed independently.


There will be some children in school and they will be doing the same activities as you at home. I will be asking your grown to e-mail any work that you have done at home and I will be eager to see what you have created.


I will be counting down the days to when I can have my amazing class back in our room and see all of your lovely faces! But, for now, take care of each other, stay happy and healthy, keep giggling, continue to be amazing and I will see you soon.


Mrs Dempsey x
