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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week beginning 17th May

Friday 21st May

We have had a very busy end to our space topic this week! 

We have made our own characters and practised telling stories to our friends and improving them together.  We then wrote them down using our best story language. Well done!

We also made some fantastic Beegu models using modelling clay and tools.

In Maths we have been continuing our work on money, and learning how to find an amount of change by finding the difference. We are working hard on missing number sums, our number bonds to 20, and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. There are activities assigned on Education City under 'homework' to help your child consolidate this learning over the next 2 weeks. (If you have forgotten your log in details please email and I will find them for you). 

If you would like to support this at home please talk to your child about money and how we use it (recognising and counting coins, finding change from 10p/ 20p/ 50p/ £1). Something to bear in mind is that as many shops are encouraging card/ contactless payments at the moment, their real life experiences with money may be limited. 

The children had their spelling test today. Well done to those who got them all right or nearly got full marks! The test is in your child’s reading record book along with their new set of spellings to learn.


Have a lovely half term break, look after each other, and we will see you on

Monday 7th June

Love, Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah Xx
