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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 2 week beginning 28th February

Hello everybody.

What a fun packed week we have had! Continuing with our Story Little Red by Bethan Woollvin, we introduced a strategy called 'Boxing Clever' to the children to help them learn about the structure of a story, be able to retell the story and moving towards the children beginning to write a story. This week we focussed on using pictures from the story. (see picture)

In maths this week we have been working on building 9 and 10 in different ways. The children are very confident with recognising and ordering numbers to 10. They are also improving their number formation.

This week in phonics we revisited 'qu' as in queen and introduced 'ch' as in chick. It is great to see that the children are applying their phonic knowledge and using it in their writing.

On Tuesday we found out about how Christians celebrate Shrove Tuesday and why it is celebrated by making and eating pancakes. Both reception classes joined together in the hall to listen to a great story called Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. Miss Edwards demonstrated how to make pancakes and successfully flipped the pancakes!!

Back in our own classes the children tasted the pancakes with a number of different toppings. It was very exciting!! The children later had a go at flipping the pancakes outside using a tennis racket - they had a fab time!

Thursday was World Book Day. It was fantastic to see all the children dress as a good or bad character from a story of their choice. There were also many adults in school also dressed up. Thank you parents for making this happen for your children and many thanks for your donations. 

As part of out literacy work we have looked at a non-fiction book all about wolves. The children know the features of a non-fiction book and some of them have made their own Wolf non-fiction book.

We even manage to fit in our dance and football PE sessions and lots of play.


I hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend with the sunshine out and enjoy looking through our photographs.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

