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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Spring 1

It has been so much fun celebrating Chinese New Year-we have had dragon dances,mask-making and food tasting. The children enjoyed creating dragons by either using paint or a collage technique, on the creative table. 


We we have been busy ordering numbered Chinese lanterns-the children are really enjoying maths in Nursery. You can help your child with this by spotting numbers and shapes in the environment around them. 

Week 5


In Nursery we have been busy listening to the story "Freddie and the Fairy". The children have really enjoyed this text, which talks about a fairy who is hearing impaired. We talked about how important it is to help others who find things tricky. It is a great story, which sees Bessie Belle get lots of things muddled up. Freddie asks her to conjure up animals but she keeps getting it wrong. In our Drawing Club this week we have explored what pet we would wish for; drawing our animals and beginning to make letter shapes to represent meaning.


In maths we have been busy counting forwards and backwards to 5/10/20. The children have enjoyed number puzzles this week in the maths area.



The children have also enjoyed our lovely snack times this week. Again, thanks for your fund donations, it helps towards little extra snacks for your child. 

Week 4


This week we have enjoyed work based on the book The Smeds and The Smoos.

It was fun to create the colour of the SmedSmoo by mixing red and blue to make purple. It was a little bit messy!


We have enjoyed our music session using the percussion instruments, whilst singing Laurie Berliner songs linked to Winter.




Week 3


This week we have read our new text "Zog", which we used in our first ever session of Drawing Club. In these sessions the children are encouraged to come and mark-make and create code linked to the story. Our first go at this was a massive success!




In maths we have been thinking about spatial awareness- we had lots of fun playing the stop/go game. The children did really well to move carefully, negotiating space in the hall. 


We have also continued to enjoy our Think Equal sessions. This week we have been talking about emotions and recognising how we feel. The children were then encouraged to use the mirror and make lots of different faces to convey the different emotions we had been talking about.


In our outdoor area we have loved the snow and frost! We had a giant snowball fight and enjoyed writing in the frost!


The doctors from "Zog" arrived in the role play area outdoors. The children enjoyed role-playing nurses/ doctors. 

Week 2 


This week we have been learning about positional language. The children had to spot where Mog was-he was very cheeky-popping up in lots different places! The children were not allowed to say he's there, but instead had to say things like - he's on top of the screen or he's behind the chair. 

We have been practising our mark making by creating some recognisable letters, with the help of stick man, on the mark making table. 


You may have noticed some very tired children on Tuesday as we had two sessions of gymnastics! It was great to see the afternoon children showing such enthusiasm for the session. 

Week 1

What a lovely start to 2024. The children came back with big smiles and happy faces; ready to play, learn and grow some more.


We have enjoyed our new text 'Stick Man'. The children have been busy finding sticks in the outdoor area ready to create our own stick people next week. 


In the creative area we explored painting with sticks. In the malleable area we created our own little stick families. 


In the outdoors fairies and dragons have landed in our tuff spots. 

We have seen the arrival of our new light box. This is a lovely resource that encourages children to explore and investigate. 



We have been practising our balancing skills on the target blocks in our grassed area. The children tried hard not to fall in the mud! 


