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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 2

Hello everybody!

Your children have been absolutely fantastic this week, coming to school for full days. Miss Edwards and I are very proud of how they have just got on with it and have adjusted to the daily routines. They have done you all proud!

They are doing a great job with their dinners, had their first dance and gymnastics PE lessons and have been to their first whole school celebration assembly.

This week Reception 1's star of the week medal winner is Abigail - well done for being super!

Enjoy looking through a some photos.

Whilst you are out and about over the weekend, could you have a look with your child to see if you can collect any 'autumn' find - leaves, conkers, acorns etc. I would like the children to bring their finds into school to share with the class.


Please see the copy of the attached letter that I sent home today with some reminders and information about the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting on Thursday.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
