Hello R2 Families
Well, the autumn weather has certainly arrived! We had crazy winds, torrential rain and hot sun. all in the same day yesterday!
The children have been busy as always this week and soaking up every bit of learning that has come their way!
We have begun exploring measures, including capacity, length and height. The children have been learning in a practical and hands on way and getting the chance to grow their mathematical vocabulary. They have been using non-standard measures (wooden and foam bricks and cubes) to explore how tall and long the toy dinosaurs are and different containers and objects to explore and compare how much the containers hold. Take a peek at the pictures...
As part of our topic, we have been discussing how our brains work, the things that we do and don't like to do, the things that we're good at, the things that are tricky and about how it is ok to make mistakes because we learn from them. Why not share the story together?!
Next week is week 6! We'll be learning about the phonemes 'd' and 'g' in phonics, finding out how to copy, continue and create repeating patterns in maths and we'll be exploring the different feelings that we have, whilst sharing the books 'Ruby's Worry and 'The Colour Monster'.
Thanks to everyone that attended the 'Meet the Teacher' earlier in the week, I hope that you found it useful. Can I ask everyone to read as often as you possibly can with your child at home please. When you do read with them please always write a note in their yellow reading record, this is the only way of me knowing that your child needs a new reading book. Thanks so much for your support.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cook x x x