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Monday 1st March

Monday 1st March

Good morning everyone and happy Monday. I hope you have had a lovely weekend and you are raring to go for your last week of home learning - let's make it an amazing one! 

Today is the first day of March and also St David's Day - a very special day for people in Wales. 

Have you spotted any spring flowers this week? I found daffodils just about to bloom, and also some crocuses in the park near my house. Did you know daffodils are the national flower of Wales, and also my favourite flowers too! smiley

Let's get started for today, here is a phonics video. Have a go at reading and spelling the words with me, and then I have added a link to a game on phonicsplay where you can read and reshuffle sentences - see if you can make really silly ones! Can you write a silly sentence of your own too?


This week we are going to continue with our story about Handa that is set in Kenya. How do you think Handa is feeling as she is going on her journey? What might she be thinking as she walked along? Why don't you pause the story as you listen to see if you can answer these questions as you go along.

Your activity today is to imagine and write some thought bubbles for Handa as she walked. There are six thought bubbles to choose from or you could draw your own illustrations and thought bubbles for Handa or the animals!

Today's word of the day is......              please


To start off today I thought you might like to try Whack a Mole! You can set your starting number and the number you are counting in. Can you practise counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s up to 100? You can also set it to count backwards.

Today this is our last lesson on shape. Let's learn how to solve trickier repeating pattern puzzles with Miss Charlton.

Topic - Science

We have been learning about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. Can you remember what these words mean? Tell you adult now. 

Scientists like to put animals in groups according to their similarities so they are easier to identify. 

Watch the introduction video to find out more.

Today we are going to look at 5 animal groups. Scientists have named them mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds. Watch the videos on the BBC page below to find out more about the different animal species that are in each group.

Now we know which different types of animals are in each group, have a go at sorting animals using the worksheet.

Physical activity

As it is Monday here is our dance lesson from Mrs Murphy today! smiley

Can't Stop The Feeling

That's all for today!

Let me know how you get on,

Love Mrs O'Connell Xx


Note to parents: One of tomorrow's activities will be to use your senses to investigate a variety of fruit - we will suggest the fruit in Handa's story (banana, mango, orange, passion fruit, pineapple, avocado, guava) or you can try other tasty fruit like kiwi, peach, watermelon, berries, grapes, lemon, apples, pears etc! I wanted to warn you today in case you are going shopping before then but any fruit you have at home will work, as long as you have a couple to try, you will be able to do the activity.
