Hello Reception 2 Families!
Lots of happy, busy little peeps this week! We have continued to enjoy our class text Little Red and have been learning about all the vital parts that go together to make a story a story! To help with this very new concept, in a view towards the children being able to retell and create stories of their own, we have used a strategy called Box Clever. You can see from the pics that the children have been retelling Little Red using pictures. The children have done a super job also of drawing Little Red and the Wolf in Bethan Woolvin's unique style. We have been learning about the features of non-fiction texts too and have shared an information text about wolves. The children have played with non-fiction text features to create their own information books about wolves. They were very, very proud of their work
In maths we have been exploring different ways of representing the numbers 9 and 10 by exploring their number bonds Here is an example of an approach that we may use to teach the children number bonds to 10 in a fun way. Click on the link below...
On Tuesday the children had an awesome treat, they went into the hall with Reception 1 and watched Miss Edwards, the pancake flipping supremo, work her magic! They also got to sample the pancakes with different toppings and ended with Mr Wolf's pancakes. The children found out what Shrove Tuesday means to Christians too.
Thursday was World Book Day! The children looked awesome in their outfits, so thank you for your efforts grown ups! Thank you for your donations too, the children will reap the benefit when we use the funds to buy new books for our reading corners.
The Goodies!
The Baddies, Oh No!!!
Princess dresses and superhero dress up did not stop our little soccer tots, oh no! Steve and Sam continue to teach them lots of brilliant ball skills alongside developing good team skills.
Well done to Alba, this week's medal winner. Alba received the medal because she is such a thoughtful and inquisitive little girl. Well done Alba!
Next week, as part of our topic 'Once Upon a Time...' We will be sharing another traditional tale with a twist by the the same author, Bethan Woolvin:
In maths we will be exploring 3-D shapes and pattern and we will continue with our Daily Floppy Phonics learning. In addition we will play lots and continue to grow our friendships at school.
Here are some lovely pics of this week's learning to enjoy! Have a lovely, sunny weekend everyone!
Mrs Cook x