Happy Tuesday everybody
Today we are going to continue to use our book This is the Bear and the Scary Night by Sarah Hayes. Listen to the story below and can you pick out the rhyming words before Paula does on the video?
If you want some extra practise with rhyming words there are some activities below.
(If you have forgotten your log in details for Education City if you email me, I can send them to you)
Now did you spot the speech bubbles when the different characters were talking in the book? Today we are going to think about what the bear, boy and dog might be saying to each other on the last page of the book.
Can you draw your own pictures of the characters with speech bubbles and tell me what they might say to each other at the end of their adventure?
We have been practising our handwriting during the last few weeks remembering to start our letters in the correct place.
Today we are concentrating on our long ladder letter family.
For our phonics, this is today’s lesson.
The children really enjoy practically consolidating their phonics learning with on-line games. This is today’s game.
In maths we are continuing to work on our numbers to 20 putting them into groups of 10 on a tens frame.
(don’t forget you can pause the video at any point if you need longer to do some of the independent work)
If your child needs further practise you might want to do this activity practically making numbers to 20 using raisins, smarties, pasta shapes or lego bricks and practise re-arranging them into a ten frame shape and counting.
Exploring different ways to use instruments.
In Science we have been labelling different parts of the body and last week at story time we read Funnybones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg learning about the different parts of our skeletons. Today I would like you to use your art skills and make a picture of a skeleton. You can use paper, cotton wool buds, pasta shapes, play dough or anything else you feel might work. I’ve given you a couple of ideas to help you get started. Have fun and I can't wait to see some of the pictures you create