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Monday 1st February

Monday 1st February

Hello 1C! Can you believe it is February already? Look out for daffodils, snowdrops and frog spawn this month!


Let's get started with phonics:

Phonics session 'ir' for Monday 1st February

Today's word of the day is ...



How do you like the Aaron Becker story Journey? Have a look at the video to remind yourself of it. 

JOURNEY by Aaron Becker

Today you are going to have a go at retelling the story! Wordless books are great for doing this because you can use the illustrations as prompts and tell the story in your own words - there are no right or wrong answers. Everyone will tell the story in their own unique way. smiley


You will need to think about these things before you start:

What does the girl do and why?

What does she see?

How would you describe what she sees? What adjectives can you use?

How is she feeling at different parts of the story?

How have her feeling changed by the end of the journey?


Below I have put the illustrations onto a power point so you can tell the story at your own pace. You do not have to use all the illustrations they are there to help you retell the story. Have fun!


Today we are going to start learning about numbers to 50. Can you start by counting in 10s to 50? Here are two video lessons, some work to complete and a game to play when you have finished. 

Please can you send me the worksheet today and let me know how you get on with numbers to 50. heart

WRM - Counting to 50 by making 10s

WRM - Numbers to 50


Last week we learnt about what happens inside a Gurdwara (a special place where Sikh's go to pray and come together as a community). Let's start with a little quiz to see how much you remember. Use the link below and add a name to enter (you don't have to use your real name!)

Today we are going to learn how the Guru Granth Sahib (sacred scriptures) helps families to choose a name when their babies are born. Please watch the clip below.

Did you know that people have a first name and a surname and that some people even have a middle name as well? I wonder, do you know how your family chose your name? Maybe you could ask a grown-up and find out.


Most people's surname is their family name, that means you will probably have the same last name as one or both of your parents. In the Sikh religion, most Sikhs have the same surname of Singh or Kaur. This is because Sikhs want to show that they belong to a bigger community of people who all share the same beliefs about God.


For your activity today, I would like you to design a name label for your bedroom door. You could make it as colourful as you want and maybe even do some bubble writing for your name!

Physical activity

I think you will like the Hip Hop Yoga Bop today! 

Don't forget we are looking out for hard workers for Mrs Walkden's Friday Superstar Shout Outs this week AND there are new Education City activities assigned today!

Take care and I'll be back tomorrow, 

Love Mrs O'Connell xx
