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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Summer 1

Week ending 26th May

What a super week! In English we have written our own space themed shape poems based on the poems pictured below. We have really enjoyed our Space topic and I hope the children have been inspired to continue to find out more at home.


In Maths we have been recognising, describing and grouping 2D shapes and in Science we have been continuing our work on pets and have worked as groups to classify animals as mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and insects. 


I have been particularly impressed with how the 1C have worked together in PE this week. In dance the children worked in groups to make shapes with their bodies, and in gymnastics the children coordinated and performed (to a captive audience!) sequences that included forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, bridges, a balance, a jump and an end pose, phew!

When the children return after the holidays, they will be completing the National Phonics Screening Check. This activity involves recognising sounds in words and reading them and is similar to the classwork and homework activities your child has had throughout the year. More information can be found on our phonics and early reading page. If your child would like additional practise with their phonics during the holidays, then they can complete the activities under the phonics games tab above.

Have a well deserved break everybody and we will see you back in school on Monday 12th June.

Mrs O'Connell and Miss Ryde x

Week ending 19th May

This week we have continued to enjoy our book Man on the Moon (A Day in the Life of Bob).  This week the children have designed a poster to persuade more tourists to come and visit the moon as well as retelling the story. I wonder if the children could use the pictures below to tell you the story at home?

In Maths we have been focusing on our problem-solving skills, with lots of weight, mass, capacity and volume work. There has been a lot of practising our new vocabulary words when comparing quantities! 

We have also been talking about where we 'belong' for our RE work and the children have thought carefully about this and created lovely pictures. We also started our work on animals and have made a class pictogram to record which pets we have.


Thank you for the offers of help for our trip so far, there is still space if anybody else would like to help. Please also remember that any school dinners for the trip need ordering by next Friday, please check your letter for more information. 


Well done to those families who have completed their maths homework and have practised their spellings too, it really does make a difference to their learning. I will keep the spelling books next week after the test on Tuesday and they will be returned after the half term holiday. 


Keep up the good work 1C, you are doing brilliantly! laugh

Mrs O'Connell

Week ending 12th May

This week we have been reading Man on the Moon (A Day in the Life of Bob) and we have written to him, well done 1C you have produced some fantastic writing! We are making sure our letter formation is correct, as well as using a variety of punctuation such as exclamation and question marks. 


For Maths we have enjoyed learning about how to use money, including giving change. The children enjoyed playing 'shop' and I will link an online game below which you might want to play again at home.


Please don't forget that we are having our class photos taken on Tuesday next week - please send your child in uniform and send their usual PE bottoms in their bag and we can change into them before PE. We have bare feet for gymnastics so don't worry no need to send trainers in.

Also if you would like to help on the trip (see last week's letter) please let one of us know as soon as possible. 


Mrs O'Connell laugh

Week beginning 1st May

Wow, what a busy few days we've had this week in 1C!

The children had fun at Stretford Leisure Centre on Wednesday afternoon, where they enjoyed a range of multi skills based activities.

In Art, we have started creating our own space themed collages, using spattering and paint brushing techniques.

We have written a book review of Beegu in English and learnt about the first moon landing in History.

On Friday the whole school enjoyed a picnic and party to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. 

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Miss Ryde.



Below are some photos of our DT work. Please click on the Sporting Events link to see our Multiskills photos. 

Please also see the newsletter at the top of the page for an update on all of the things we have planned for this half term. 

Week ending 28th April

This week we have used the focus book Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We have explored the character of Beegu by dramatising the story, and writing down what Beegu is trying to say.


In Maths we have been practising adding and taking away numbers, including solving problems with missing numbers. We loved playing the Robot Addition game!

We have also designed and made moving space pictures using a lever mechanism, photographs of these will follow next week! 1C are really enjoying Design Technology, and some children have also chosen to make 3D shape boxes to keep treasures in, well done!


Please remember to return your permission slip for our Multiskills event on Wednesday next week, we are looking forward to it! smiley Below is a link to Mrs Gill's events page so you can have a sneaky peak at what the Multiskills event will be like as the Year 2s took part this week.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend,

Mrs O'Connell

Week ending 21st April 2023

What a fantastic start to the week and a warm welcome I've had on my return from my maternity leave. The children have been so helpful and kind and have shown me how hard working and eager to learn 1C are, I think we are going to have a wonderful term! 


We have started our new topic called Let's Explore and we have had some really interesting discussions about Space already. We have written questions and have begun our journey to finding out the answers, we are scientists after all. We are using non fiction books as well online materials; the below website particularly caught the children's attention!

The children created their own fact files, they really enjoyed creating them in groups. Great teamwork 1C!

We have also listened to Gustav Holst's The Planets, and we enjoyed the songs about planets and dwarf planets. 

We have also made our own moving pictures using split pins for our DT work, the children worked very carefully to make sure they assembled the design properly, and they evaluated their work to make sure it moved, well done! 

The Planet Song

Dwarf Planet Song

Please check the folders at the top of the page for updated information about homework, spellings, and links to fun, free games that are available online to support your child's learning. 

For all the children and families celebrating in the next few days, we wish you Eid Mubarak.

See you next week,

Mrs O'Connell 

April 2023

We will welcome you back on Monday 17th April. laugh

PE this half term will be on Mondays and Tuesdays.
