Friday 26th March
What a fun end to a great half term!
This week we have been learning all about the Easter Story and why Easter is celebrated. The children worked their socks off to produce some fantastic writing, using spaces between their words, forming their letters carefully, and using 'and' in their sentences.
In Maths we have been practising adding equal amounts of objects, such as doubling a number and repeating addition work such as 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20! The children have been working hard in groups, and on their own too.
We enjoyed our own Victoria Park Infants' World Book Day and loved talking about our favourite stories and inspiring each other to read different books. We were also very lucky to have Miss Myles as our mystery guest reader!
As well as beginning to learn about half of a number, we also looked at halves of shapes. We cut the shapes in half and made some lovely patterns and pictures.
We hope you have a fun Easter break and we will see you, raring to go with a new topic on Monday 12th April. Fingers crossed for some more sunshine in the coming weeks!
Take care superstars, lots of love,
Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx
Monday 22nd March
Just a quick reminder that there are activities linked to our class learning assigned on Education City this week and for last week, and they will be available throughout the Easter holiday. You can also search for any subject areas on there and complete games of your choice. If you have misplaced your username or password please email me.
Mrs O'Connell xx