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Summer 2

Our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half-term and some ideas of how you can help at home.

Week ending 27th July

What a busy final week in Year One! We all enjoyed the surprise party on Tuesday, and the toy day on Thursday. Thank you so much for all your lovely cards and gifts, what a lovely surprise! 


During the summer break, the children might like to continue to practise their skills. Please check the phonics/ maths games folders at the top of this page, and use your Education City log in to access a variety of games and activities. The Oxford Owl website also has reading books that can be accessed online, and Stretford library has a summer reading challenge you may want to take part in.

We have really enjoyed teaching you this year and hope you have a super summer break. laugh Mr Logan will see you on Monday 4th September. Good luck in Year 2! 

Love, Mrs O'Connell and Miss Ryde xx

Week ending 21st July

We had a great time at our Sports afternoon, see if you can spot yourself in our photo's.

Also here are our aliens that we animated using the Chatterpix app. laugh

Next week

On Tuesday we will be having a summer term celebration arranged by Mrs Walkden, where children can come to school dressed in party clothes (more details can be found on the email). We are all excited to find out what it will be!

As Thursday is our last day together in Year One, the children are allowed to bring in their own toy but nothing too large, precious, expensive or electrical please.

Week ending 14th July

This week we have been working on Handa's Surprise, and we also wrote our own stories. They were fantastic! 


In circle time we talked about how we were feeling moving classrooms and going into Year Two. We got to meet Mr Logan and found out some of the exciting things we will get to do with him in September. laugh

Mrs O'Connell x

Week ending 7th July

This week we have started work on our new class book, Handa's Surprise. There is a video of the story below. We are practising using adjectives, full stops and capital letters in our sentences. We are exploring the characters and next week we will be changing the story using our own ideas. laugh


We have also been learning about position and direction in Maths, making quarter turns, half turns, and three quarter turns! This will continue next week. 

We are enjoying gymnastics and I managed to take some photographs in PE this week. I was so proud of the children, they praise and feedback to each other to improve their balances, rolls, and positions. Well done 1C!

Next week

Don't forget we will have Key Stage 1 Sports Day in Victoria Park on Tuesday 1.30pm. We have our fingers crossed for dry weather! 


Mrs O'Connell x

Week ending 30th June

Eid Mubarak to all our families who celebrate!


This week the class have been learning to find and recognise a quarter of a shape or quantity in Maths. 

They have been writing and performing their own safari poems and using the prefix    '-un' in words and sentences eg: untie/unhappy.

In Art, the children have created some amazing African animal sunset silhouette pictures. They blended paints to create the sky and cut animals out to make an effective silhouette collage. I've added some below for you to see how hard they worked.

Don't forget tomorrow (Friday) is 'Crazy Hair' Day. We can't wait to see your fabulous hair designs!

Monday 26th June

There are still spaces available for the lunchtime gymnastics club that runs on Tuesdays. Please see the link below if you are interested. smiley

Week ending 23rd June

We made it to Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday! Thankfully, the rain stopped as soon as we arrived and then the sun came out. The children were very excited to see the animals, and we all have all chosen our favourites. Everyone was very well behaved - apart from the cheeky dinosaur that squirted water on us! I've added some photos below. 

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs O'Connell x

Week ending 16th June

Welcome back to school. I cannot believe the last half term of Year 1 is here! This half term we are continuing with our topic Let's Explore.. but this time we are going to learn all about going on holiday to Kenya. Please see the curriculum newsletter above for more information. PE will be Monday and Tuesday.

This week we have found out where Kenya is, learnt facts, and made fact files about animals you might see on safari in Africa. We have also learnt about the weather and how the seasons are different to ours. 

We have also explored 3D shapes, made models and investigated their properties and how they are different. Below are some photos of our very busy children. smiley

Trip to Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday 20th June

We are all excited and can't wait to go on our class trip! Just a couple of things to remember. Please wear school uniform and bring your packed lunch in a labelled disposable bag. You will not need your green book bag or reading folder on this day.

We are hoping for the perfect weather - not too hot! If it looks like a sunny day please apply sun cream in the morning. 

Mrs O'Connell x
