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Friday 22.1.21

Mrs Ogden Introduction


This week in English I thought we would start with a little quiz.Can you remember what the types of sentences are that we have been learning about over the last couple of weeks?






Can you write a question mark?

Can you write an exclamation mark?

Can you remember 5 bossy words? Tell your grown up.

Can you remember 5 question words? Tell your grown up.

Have a go at the quiz below.

For the main part of out lesson today you are going to be learning about when to use words such as  'and' 'but' and 'or' in a sentence.These are called conjunctions. Using these words in a sentence means that you can add extra information to sentences.Listen to this song about conjunctions and you'll learn a little bit more about them.

I apologise in advance to all the grown ups for this. You might not want the volume too high!


Now, I would like you to read this powerpoint with a grown up.Sometimes it asks you to write a sentence. Tell your grown up the sentence instead. Otherwise there will be far too much to write.


I hope that this has helped you to understand how to use conjunctions. Print off the worksheet below. I would like you to do the last one. It has 3 stars in the top left hand corner. There are two sheets to complete. Please do not complete all the sheets!

If you think this looks tricky then choose the first sheet, with one star in the left hand corner.


For your warm up this week, I have set you some one minute challenges. Watch the video below.

One minute challenge video

For your main activity we will continue to look at quarter past and quarter to times. What can you remember from last week?

Maybe you could find the clock that you made last week.

Use it to make these times.


Quarter Past 4 - check that the long hand is pointing to the 3 ( which means its a quarter past time) and the short hand is pointing to just after 4.

Quarter Past 1 - check that the long hand is pointing to the 3 and the short hand is pointing to just past the 1.

Quarter to 2 - check that the long hand is pointing to the 9 ( this means its a quarter to time) and the short hand is pointing to just before 2.

Quarter to 5 - check that the long hand is pointing to the 9 and the short hand is pointing to just before 5.

Your grown up can ask you to make 6 more quarter to or quarter past times. They can check if you are right.


Read the powerpoint below.

 At first you have to say what the time will be one hour later. 

The minutes don't change. Its the hour that does. For example,

One hour after 1'oclock  is 2 o'clock.

One hour after half past 1 is half past 2.

One hour after quarter past 1 is quarter past 2.



Now print out this worksheet to complete. You could also have a go at the time game.


If you feel like an extra maths challenge, then you could have a go at these activity cards with a grown up. You don't need to print them off, you could just talk to your grown up about the answers. You don't have to do them all!

Friday Challenge!

This weeks challenge is a crafty one. I am going to show you how to make an arctic collage. Watch the video carefully. 


Arctic collage video

I hope you enjoyed watching that and are ready to make your own. Here are the step by step instructions and some photographs for you to look at in case you want to draw some arctic animals to add to your collage. Have fun!

Remember that your grown up can email work to me. I would love to see your maths work.

I hope that you and your families have a lovely weekend and a well earned rest!
