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Wednesday Remote Learning 27/1

Wednesday's Timetable

1 Hello 

2 Sing along to wake up shake up and dance along to Mr Shingler

3 Measuring Maths

4 English Writing task

5 Mrs Hart's Science

6 An introduction to Islam 

1 Good Morning Year 2 from Mrs Gill



Still image for this video

3 Measuring Maths

Today we look at another measure and today we are looking and reminding ourselves about measuring weight and mass. Today's lesson should be quiet easy so I'm going to challenge you to find as many things of different weights as you can. Can you find a tiny weight and a large weight in your food cupboard?

A fact that you will need to know is

1000 grammes is the same as one kilogram.



Can you remember yesterday's fact  


1000ml=1 l

1000 milli litres = 1 litre


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video
Now try these worksheets
There are lots of measuring games and activities to try on Education City enjoy exploring! 

4 English

Today I would like you to write a book review about your favourite book. Can you write your sentences in your yellow book? Is your book a fiction or a non fiction book? What do you like about it? Do you like the illustrations or pictures or photographs? Do you like the story and the plot if it’s a story book? 
Why would you tell someone else to read it? Would you recommend it for younger children or older children? Who would like your book? Do you like it because you have a favourite author? Or do you have. Favourite topic you like to read about? 

Try and use sentences like 


I like this story because........


The illustrations are colourful like .......


I would recommend this book to.........


Here are a couple of children reviewing their books. This should give you some great ideas! 

5 Welcome to Mrs Hart’s 3rd science lesson 


Today we are looking at the third of Mrs Hart’s exciting videos about materials. 

Can you make something that stretches? Can you make some play dough? 

Mrs Hart has made you some interactive jigsaws to complete-

A Playground Jigsaw

A Pogo Stick Jigsaw

A Trampoline Jigsaw

Look at the images below to see the stretchy toy.

6 An introduction to Islam

Before Christmas we studied the Christian religion and looked at a little girl who explained about her life and her faith. Today we look at a boy who talks about his life and his faith. Tomorrow we will be exploring Islam but instead of story time today I thought it would be nice if we watched the BBC bitesize video instead. In 2F just like in the boy's class we celebrate everyone's religion and faith and beliefs and recognise we are all unique, special and different.

Have a lovely evening 2F.         
