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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Week beginning 11th May 2020

Hello lovely mathematicians! Please continue to follow White Rose

However there are no worksheets provided on line anymore. Please watch each lesson and complete the matching worksheet below. Happy adding and subtracting!

You may also wish to access the BBC Bitesize Home Learning.

The two companies are working together so whichever site you choose you can rest assured that they are both high quality resources.  


Now we would also like to set you another maths challenge...

The weather at the moment is very changeable and we would like you to monitor this. Using the bar chart template from last week we would like you to record the highest temperature recorded for each day this week. You can use the BBC Weather app to help you with this. At the end of the week are you able to discuss your findings? What day was the warmest? What day was the coolest? Did we see the temperature go up or down?

You may also wish to have a little go at this game. This will help with your place value, understanding where numbers belong. See how high you can go! Can you order numbers beyond 100?
