Art and crafts activities this week will be based around our materials topic focusing on natural materials found at the seaside.
Draw and paint seaside pictures – perhaps you could draw or paint a picture of a fish, boat, light house or a bucket and spade.
Find a range of collage activities to make a seaside picture.
Draw and paint on pebbles and stones like those found at the seaside. Felt pens work well for this task. You could play hide and seek with the pebbles and stones.
Use natural materials in sand to make patterns. Make a sand fish or a sand castle and decorate it with natural materials that you may have.
If you have a paddling pool, sand and water you can pretend to be at the seaside too!
Can you create patterns by painting waves?
Use sticks to draw and make patterns in dry sand
Use junk and collage materials imaginatively to make topic objects
Here are some pictures of seaside crafts I have found on line. Perhaps you could try them out at home.