3 Monday Maths
Hello 2F welcome to a new topic of maths this week. We are concentrating on measures this week. Before we start the new topic we are going to warm up our counting skills.
Here is a 5x table song can you shout out the answers. We need to wake ourselves up on Mondays!
We are going to start with liquid measures. Liquids are measured in litres and millilitres. Can you find any things in your cupboard with your grown ups that are measured in litres and find other things measured in millilitres? Can you write these in your yellow book? Be careful because some things we measure in millilitres and litres are for parents to touch only!
Look at the video clip about measuring litres.
4 English
a) Spellings
It's spelling test day today. Please can you send me your spelling test today. I would love to see how you are doing.
b) Phase 6 phonics
c) Grammar
Let's remember verbs
Verbs | English - Grammar for 11-14-year-olds - YouTube
d) Today we are going to write our last set of instructions. Have you built a snowman? Watch the brief video. I'm sure you will find lots of other sets of instructions on youtube for building a snowman.
Watch the video and you will notice that there are only 3 steps. I think we can break these three instructions down ,much further. Can you make a set of at least 6 different instructions. I will start you off.
1. Collect snow and roll into a ball. Do this 3 times.
2 Put one on top of the other.
3 Place 2 eyes on the face.
HOW TO BUILD A SNOWMAN for kids - Procedure Writing - TpT - YouTube
5 Topic Work today
Here is a little clip about ways in which some animals are becoming extinct as the habitats are changing.
Can you make a poster to help save the animals and habitats of the world?
You might like to write words and sentences on your poster. You might write something like "Don't chop down trees!" or "Stop putting litter in the canal!"
Can you draw some pictures on your poster?
Please can you send me your poster?
6 Music programme 2
Enjoy singing along to the Great Fire of London songs can you remember what happened. I'm sure the words will remind you of the events in 1666.
2: Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London - Part 2 - BBC Teach