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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 2

Hello R2 Families

This week we read We Are Here, written by Oliver Jeffers. This sparked some brilliant discussions about our Earth and it was great to glean the children's existing incredible knowledge. We have looked at maps and globes and talked about the vast amount of ocean that covers the world. We enjoyed using a more unusual painting tool, pom poms, to paint planet Earth..






We also looked at Earth on Google Maps! We zoomed out from VPIS far out into space!


We had a really valuable Think Equal lesson this week, during which we talked about kindness and we drew pictures illustrating times when we experienced people being kind to us...



We had our first instrument session this week and the children explored playing the percussion instruments in a gentle and hard and fast and slow way...




As always, the children love to be outside in our outdoor classroom. Most are able to put on their own coats and zip them themselves. A few could do with a bit of practise with this at home please! 






This coming week we'll continue our topic 'What a Wonderful World' and will use a brilliant text that will teach us all about the other planets in the solar system! 



A few reminders...

  • heartThank you heart to everyone that has contributed to the Reception Fund so far. This money enables us to buy treats and resources that hugely enrich the things that we teach and that the children do. If you are yet to pay into the fund you can do so via Parent Pay. Thank you. 
  • We have snow forecast this week! Please ensure that the children have hats, gloves and scarves.
  • Please ensure that you read regularly with your child at home, that you practise learning their Helpful Words and that Floppy's Phonics homework worksheets are completed and are in reading folders. The consolidation of their learning that is carried out at home makes an enormous difference to your child's progress and to their confidence. Thanks for your continued support in helping your child to reach their fullest possible potential. 


Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Mrs Cook x

