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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Spring 1


This week we completed a science experiment about melting ice and ways in which we can speed up the melting process. The children enjoyed this and enjoyed recording their results. We talked about a fair test and why this is important.

Following the maths assessment we looked at missing numbers in addition and subtraction. 
In English we completed sentence work daily writing sentences which were questions and using capital letters for proper nouns.

We also looked at verbs and apostrophes. This was a tricky concept but we tried hard to remember that the missing letter was where the apostrophe sign goes.


This week we have been completing our half term assessments for reading , writing and maths.

The children have enjoyed the Jack in the beanstalk music series this week and the singing has been superb.

For our art topic this week we made moving pictures and cut an insert into our background and attached a stick to a polar animal. Great designs and super scissor work. 
In PE we started to advance to pre handstands and to other types of balances and rolls. 


This week we have been studying the Inuits and their lifestyles. We explored things they eat, how they live and work and looked at differences between where we live and their homes.

We looked at food chains and how animals survive in the polar regions in science.

In mathematics we continued to practice subtraction. Please see attached notes with homework issued. Different groups of children have different homework, 

Gymnastics we can all do a forward roll!

Still image for this video
After just a few short weeks we can all do a forward roll and are practising our pointed toes and good shapes!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

1 spellings 

2 fraction homework 

3 reading 

Gymnastics lessons 

The children are doing so well with their gymnastics it’s a pleasure to see the improvement over the last 3/4 weeks. All children are rolling and the specialist gymnastics teachers are helping to support the children to overcome barriers.

Homework 13/1

Spellings and reading comprehension have been sent for this weekend. Please note that due to the trip and preparations to make this an amazing experience we were a little delayed in issuing spellings. Please do as many as you can for Monday. If you don’t manage them all we will roll some over to next weekend. 
The reading comprehensions have been sent to replace the phonic work that the children used to complete each week. Our class really enjoy searching for answers in comprehensions. Please let me know how your child finds the comprehensions feel free to pop a note in their reading record. If you require any further comprehensions let me know but 1/2 per week should be the aim. Reading fluency alongside the comprehension of texts provides the best model for our year 2 children.

Week ending 13-1-23

Wow what a trip! 
We had the most amazing trip. Thank you so much to all the parents the children came into school early ready to roll and had everything we needed. We were on the coach at 9.15 and arrived before schedule at the Chill Factore. 
Changing 60 children into jackets trousers and boots then sizing up helmets and securing them took a while. The staff took a while too! 
The children listened well and their behaviour was amazing. They enjoyed spending time with their friends and teachers and helpers. 
After our snow activities the children tucked into their lunches and were ready for the multiple art activities we had planned for the afternoon. 
The children were able to choose from jigsaws, snow themed board games, mindfulness colouring, polar bear and penguin finger puppets, polar bear creative pictures, art easels, snow animal toys and a penguin paradise.

The finished products are here on this table. 
After packing away the equipment, toys and art supplies we set off back on the coach to arrive perfectly on time at 3pm. 
I hope you enjoyed looking at the photographs and talking to your child about the experience! 

Class work

This week we explored the polar regions in English and we explored books about polar animals and the polar regions. We located the regions on both the globe and map. 
We have been taking turns with the interactive globe exploring places in the world and the animals that live in different habitats. This will form the basis of our science this term.

The children wrote about what they were looking forward to taking part in at the Chill Factore and wrote a set of rules for the trip. Linking English to real life experiences is fantastic and exploring the safety rules which are important on the trip was dual purpose. The children made some great rules from “climbing up the steps to the coach safety” to “hold on tight to the handles on the sledge”
In maths we have been learning about rounding numbers to the nearest ten and consolidating greater and less than numbers. We moved on to adding and subtracting tens to numbers in mental maths of both 2 and 3 digit numbers.

We have looked at oceans and continents in geography and the Golden Rule in RE. We have been discussing how we all should treat others in the way we would want to be treated ourselves. We discovered that the Golden Rule is similar in many different religions.
This week for the first time since covid we have restarted our healthy living cookery club for year 2 children. We made a fresh fruit salad with the school cook. Each week she will work with 6 Year 2 children to prepare the fruit and show them how to use utensils safely. This is such a fabulous club and experience. I hope the first few families enjoyed the fruit salad! 
