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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 5

Well, the weather may have been wet and miserable outside but the mood was bright and cheerful in Reception 1 on Friday.  As a reward and thank you for the children’s hard work, kindness and real teamwork, some of the children chose to have dressing up, party time.  We enjoyed a Friday Funday together and there were a few superheroes partying and playing together…..

The word in R1 this week is ‘PROUD’ because this is how Mrs White and I feel about your children.  They have been fantastic helpers to me, with my squeaky voice and demonstrated their caring nature and willingness to help and be part of a team – we are truly proud of them!  I also want to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to the many parents, who were able to come to our meeting on Monday afternoon.  Mrs Cook did an amazing job of giving an insight into school life for you child. My sincere apologies for my squeaky voice!

Well week five has been yet another incredible week in R1:

The children have been ‘busy builders in the outdoor area.  Using sand to make cement and diggers to transport the materials around the areas.

We continued to work through our sounds in phonics.  The children have learnt ‘m’ and ‘d’ this week.  This has opened up new opportunities for blending lots more words.  We are so pleased with how many children are already ‘Super blenders’.   Please remember to practise the homework sheets that we send home every Friday.  This is so important.

We have had such fun in our maths this week too.  The children have been learning the concept of longer and shorter, and tall and short along with size matching activities.  The children gave the teddy bears a picnic, sharing the correct size bowls etc for each bear.

We have observed some strong friendship groups between reception and nursery this week.  The children have been super kind and caring to the nursery children during outdoor time.

While we are discussing kindness, this week’s medal winner was……..


In our Friday celebration assembly, the whole school celebrated the many reasons that Roman could be given the medal, but his kindness towards his peers goes above and beyond.  He is always happy to share a certain toy to make another child happy.  He offers tissues, to anybody who is upset and praises others if they do something nice.  Well done Roman.

  The children had great fun with bean bags during our PE lesson this week.  They displayed some fantastic balancing skills too.

   I hope you enjoy looking through the snip shots of our fun and learning from this week. 
