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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Spring 2

Week beginning 4th April 


What a fun week! We started the week with an epic trip to Manchester United- the children were beautifully behaved and a credit to everyone!


We enjoyed science week where we investigated bubbles with Mrs Hart. In class we created seed bombs and wild flower greenhouses from biodegradable gloves (these are being kept in school where we can observe the seeds germinating-hopefully!).

We also went to the park, despite the rain, to observe seasonal changes and we used the iPads to photograph our findings.


On Friday the children enjoyed Scootfit, as an end of term treat, which was well deserved!


Over the holidays please remember to read your books and try and complete your reading challenge. I have put some reading comprehensions and maths questions to practise over the holidays. Please continue to practise the spellings that were sent home last week- we will check them on the first week back in school.


I hope you liked the beautiful Easter cards the children made using the ICT programme 2simple- they worked so hard to create them.


Have a lovely break and I hope to see you all refreshed ready for summer term 1 in two weeks time! 


Mrs Dempsey





Week beginning 28th March 


This week we have finished our book 'The Water Protectors'. We have been writing non-chronological reports about sea creatures, and we have had some amazing explanation writing about the water cycle.


In maths we have been recapping money and consolidating methods to work out subtraction problems. The children have been having small group sessions to work on various mathematical problems they have been finding tricky- from 2 step word problems to telling the time. 


In science, alongside learning about the water cycle, we have been investigating food chains and ordering the food chain of a shark.


In Design and Technology we planned and designed delicious biscuits. The children had to think carefully about what they were going to put on their biscuit and stick to their plan. It was lots of fun, and they looked really yummy!


Week beginning 21st March


We have had a very busy week which saw us practise some SATs papers- or referred to as 'quizzes' in 2D. The children have tried really hard and I have seen an increase in confidence throughout the week.


In maths we have been practising mixed operation sums. The children have to be careful when looking at the symbol to check exactly what operation it is.


In English we have been writing sentences containing expanded noun phrases. We have continued to work on our reading comprehension skills.


In science we learnt all about the adaptations of cacti and succulents, and have enjoyed looking up close at these types of plants.


Thank you to all those parents who attended on Wednesday and Thursday. It was wonderful to speak face-to-face. Please always contact me if you have any concerns or queries, either directly or through email.



Week beginning 14th March


This week we have started our new text 'The Water Protectors'. The children have loved it and have produced some beautiful writing- I am so proud!


In maths we have been securing our knowledge of the 4 operations: multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. We have been practising fractions and fractions of numbers. We had lots of fun finding our 'fraction friends'. 


In science we have had an arrival of some spiky plants- we are looking at cacti and how they survive in their habitat.


In our P.S.H.C.E lesson this week we talked about friendship and how to make friends- the children thought of some very mature things to say in circle time, as we passed around Baby Bruno(our Circle Time buddy). We talked about how friends can fall out and how we have to work on building those relationships, and how this can be tricky sometimes!


Week beginning 7th March


This week we have been writing letters to a very naughty Jackal that stole Sonny the Meerkat. We received a letter in class asking for help, so we very carefully wrote letters to persuade and question the Jackal.


In maths we have been continuing with measure, working on capacity and mass. We also did some work on position and began to look at rotation-all of which we will revisit later in the year.


In art we have been busy tinting, toning and shading to create hot and cold landscape paintings.                           


We began to learn a new song in our music session, called Hands, Heart, Feet and continued with our dance session with Mr Shingler. We have also enjoyed "Wake Up Shake Up" in the hall!


The children have worked really hard this week and I am so pleased to see the progress that is being made. We have a very exciting week ahead with the changes that are happening, which I am sure the children will take in their stride. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you at 9.00a.m on Monday morning.


Week beginning 28th February


This week we have continued our work on Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. We created story maps and recounted events that happened in the text. We have continued to work hard on our handwriting and presentation.


In maths we have been working on measures, focusing on length(centimetres and metres) and capacity (millilitre and litre). 


We have continued with our music lessons and have enjoyed listening to ragtime jazz music. In P.E we have started our dance unit based on the Lion King. We have also been practising our song 'Rainbows'...we are continuing to work on our pitch, but the children are getting better each time!smiley


In science and geography we combined identifying continents and animal habitats.


Thank you for all the kind donations that were given on World Book Day. All the children looked fantastic and we enjoyed a fun morning of listening to stories, making bookmarks and writing about our costumes.

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Music session-Rainbows

Week beginning 21st February


Well a topsy-turvy start to our half-term, but still lots of amazing learning going on!


Our topic, What a Wonderful World continues, focusing on hot places and then shifting focus onto looking after the environment. 


We started by looking at meerkats on Monday and how they behave in their habitat. This will lead into our new text-based learning of Meerkat Mail. The children loved researching these cheeky animals and writing reports based on what they had found it. 


In maths we have been working on division and have started to practise fractions.


We had a really exciting music lesson on Monday, using our amazing, interactive  scheme called Charanga. Our unit is called "How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?", which included using the glockenspiels to accompany a piece of music.


Reminder- It is World Book Day on Thursday! We will be collecting donations at the gate to raise funds for school, which will be used to buy new books for every book corner.
