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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Spring 2

Week ending 22nd March

Many thanks to our PFTA and what a fantastic way to finish the term! I’m sure you will enjoy the photographs below.

Like last holiday, I have retained the spelling books and will give them out again on Monday 8th April. I hope you all have a super rest in the holidays and I will see you back in school on Monday 8th April.


Miss Green

Week ending 15th March

What a great week of learning it has been in 1G!


We have started our new book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and the children have really enjoyed getting to understand the main character Max and how he felt at different parts of the story. In Maths we have continued with our addition and subtraction with numbers to 50. The children have really worked hard to grasp these concepts and in the maths folder you will find some games to support this work if you would like to practise at home.


Thank you to everyone who was able to attend parent’s evening this week. It was lovely to chat with you and be able to show you your child’s books and share the great progress they have made in Year One. I hope you are as proud of their achievements as I am.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you on Monday.

Week ending 8th March

We have really enjoyed our science work this week. We have been learning about the similarities and differences between different flowering plants using magnifying glasses. We then used the flowers and made our own relief sculptures like Andy Goldsworthy. We really enjoyed looking at the different sculptures he has made and what materials he used. It was lots of fun and we’re sure you will enjoy the results below.

We enjoyed dressing up for our cartoon themed day on Thursday for World Book Day. The children looked fantastic 😊.

Have a great weekend everybody and I look forward to seeing you for Parent’s Evening on Wednesday 13th or Thursday 14th March. 


Next week

Don't forget it's Red Nose Day on Friday where we are supporting the charity by wearing something funny for money. It can be a simple as a red accessory, a funny hat, odd socks or a complete outfit.  Families are invited to make a donation on the day by bringing money into school in the morning.

Wednesday 6th March

We enjoyed our session today with cartoonist Marc Jackson.

Week ending 1st March

What a super week it’s been in 1G!

In Art the children have looked at paintings of sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin and how the different artists interpreted the same real-life objects. The children had a go at drawing some sunflowers themselves and below is a selection. They saw how they had each interpreted the same photograph but in different ways.

In maths we have been continuing working with our numbers to 50, finding one more or less and comparing two numbers or pictures to say which values were greater or less than or equal to. In Music we have been singing and moving to different types of music as part of our work on How does Music make the World a Better Place? The children have really enjoyed learning different songs to sing. In English we have been writing stories based on traditional tales and they have done some super imaginative writing this week. Well done, 1G 😊


Next week

Don’t forget we are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday dressing up as a ‘favourite cartoon character’ or outfit of your choice. Just a reminder that this is also our PE day (football) so can your child please wear something that is suitable or can be easily taken off so they can join in the football session safely. Many thanks.

Week ending 23rd February

The children have really enjoyed being back in school this week, playing with their friends 😊.


We are continuing with our topic Up, Up and Away thinking about the places you can travel to. In Geography have found out about the English flag, national animal and flower and looked at some famous landmarks found in the capital city of London. In science, we have been using non-fiction books to help answer questions. We have learnt about the different parts of plants and why some plants have flowers. We have also learnt about the lifecycle of a sunflower plant and sent some seeds home to plant, so the children can watch them grow.


In RE we found out about why Shrove Tuesday was important to Christians and why people eat pancakes on this day. The children loved finding out about this as well as sharing which topping they liked best on their pancakes! In Music we have been using body percussion to perform our own sequences. We have performed songs and talked about how different pieces of music makes us feel inside. In maths we have been continuing working with our numbers to 50, practising recognising our numbers and practically finding out how many tens and ones are in a number. There are lots of games in the maths folder that can support this work at home.

Monday 19th February

Welcome back to school everyone!

Just to let you know that PE this half term will be on Thursday’s and Friday’s and the children can come to school in their PE kits on those days.

Spelling books will be sent home this Thursday with new spelling lists ready to be tested the following Thursday. Everyone has put in an amazing effort in the last half term, well done!

