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Thursday 22nd October

Good morning everybody!



Today we are going to be reading our book Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and think about the character of the farmer and how he acted.

FARMER DUCK by Martin Waddell

What happens on the farm when not everyone is playing their part? By Martin Waddell

After you have listened to the story, can you tell your adult the answers to these questions. Do you feel sorry for the farmer? Was it right that the animals chased the farmer away? What should the farmer have done instead? Do you think he ever came back?

Yesterday we found out how the illustrations helped tell the story. What if Helen Oxenbury had drawn the farmer as an old man or woman? Would this have changed how you felt about the farmer?

Today’s activity is to imagine, draw and write what the farmer might have been dreaming about as he slept.



For our phonics this is today’s lesson.

Lesson 24 - Year 1

Our Year 1 Letters and Sounds Phonics lesson

The children really enjoy practically consolidating their phonics learning with on-line games. This is today’s game.



Today’s maths lesson is about introducing the children to odd and even numbers.



Today we are going to learn about the different parts of a tree (and a plant).

At this time of year, Year 1 would normally visit Victoria Park to observe the seasonal changes on the deciduous trees, however this year that is not possible.

As the current period of self-isolation is coming to an end this weekend, I wondered whether the children could be tree detectives and go and see what different types of trees there are growing in the park next week. You can identify the different tree types just by looking at the shapes of their leaves. I have put a useful guide below but there is also an information board in the park that will help you.



It is our PE day today, so why not try a Go Noodle or Cosmic kids yoga session?


Story time

Leaf Trouble by Jonathan Emmitt
