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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Mrs Cook Reception 2

Hello to our new Reception 2 families !

It has been lovely meeting and chatting to you all this week! As September gets closer and closer (eeep!) I'd like to remind you to keep an eye on this page. We will be uploading essential  information to keep you informed and help to get you prepared for your little people starting big school!

The New Parent's Meeting would, under different circumstances, have been taking place around now. For your information, please find below the presentation that would have been delivered to you.

Early next week you will find a video that myself and Miss Hodgson R2's Teaching Assistant will be uploaded. In it, we would like to say 'hello' and help the children to put a face to a name. Look out also for the Induction Pack. Both will be located on here.

Please don't hesitate to contact the school by phone or email if you need to ask anything. You also have my email and I am happy to help where I can. 


Warmest Wishes

Mrs Cook smiley

Mrs Cook's video for Reception 2
