In the nursery, in the area of Understanding of the World, our topic work this week would be based on the story book ‘Stanley’s Stick’
In the story there is a part at the beginning that reads;
“Stanley’s stick was once part of something tall and grand and it will never return”
Our nature focus will look at different types of trees.
Here is a diagram showing the different parts of a tree.
Wood from trees can be used to make furniture and toys. Look at your toys to see which ones are made out of wood. What else in your house is made from wood?
Look out of your window, look in your garden or when you go for your daily walk look at trees.
See how many different types of trees you can see. All the trees have different names. See if you can learn a few tree names.
Here are some pictures of trees that I saw when I went for my daily walk in Longford Park. Look at the beautiful blossom on the trees. Can you see a birds nest in one of the trees?
This is a picture of my favourite tree, a weeping willow. It is growing in my garden, the branches grow up, over and down to the ground. Soon the branches will touch the ground – we can watch it grow together week by week!
When I first planted my tree a long time ago it was just a tiny tree now it is getting a bit too big for my garden!
Our tadpoles are getting bigger. Take a look at them in this latest video clip!
The tadpoles are feeding – they have found something to eat in the pond.