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Summer 1- 5,4,3,2,1... Blast off!

You can find out what learning we will be doing this half term in our newsletter below.

Below are the 'help' links for writing, phonics and maths that you might still find useful.

Week ending 21st May

It’s the end of another super week of learning in 1G. You have worked amazingly hard this half-term and have all enjoyed our space themed activities. In English we have continued reading our story about Beegu who crash landed to Earth. We thought about how she might have felt at different parts of the story before writing our own alien inspired stories smiley


In maths we have continued to use money to add and subtract recognising the different coins and notes. If you would like to support this at home, please talk to your child about money and how we use it (recognising and counting different amounts in coins). Something to bear in mind is that as many shops are encouraging card/ contactless payments at the moment, their real-life experience with money may be limited. We have also been working hard on finding missing numbers in sums for addition and subtraction.

During the last two weeks in science, we have been learning about the different properties of materials and using this knowledge to work out what the best material for different objects would be. There are some maths and science activities assigned on Education City under ‘homework’ if your child would like to consolidate this learning over the next two weeks. If you have forgotten your log in details please email me at and I will find them for you.

In PE, we looked forward to showing each other our finished dance sequences which we have spent the last six weeks creating with Mrs Murphy and if you’ve ever wondered what happens during our ‘wake up and shake up’ sessions at the beginning of the school day on Thursday and Friday with Mr Shingler… then have a look below. We all enjoy starting the school day moving to music (even the adults!).

School re-opens on Monday 7th June and I hope you all have a lovely half-term break.

Week ending 14th May

Another great week of learning 1G, well done!

In English we have started to read our new class book all about an alien who crashed landed on Earth named Beegu. We had fun using the modelling clay to make our own Beegu models!

We have also been making up our own stories using stick puppets. We have acted out and rehearsed our stories before finally writing them down, ensuring we used as much detail as possible.

We have also been learning about the past and present tense in words by adding the suffixes ‘ing’ or ‘ed’ to verbs. We have had lots of fun making up sentences and spotting past and present tense words when reading. If you want more practise there is a link below.

We really enjoyed playing the musical instruments. We remembered what some are called and how to play them (do you tap, scrape or shake to play?) We also looked at what material they are made from and how this changes the pitch of the sounds they make. It was lots of fun!

Eid Mubarak to all the children and families celebrating this week 😊


We have been learning about Islam in RE. We have found out about Mosques as a place of worship and some children were eager to share their experiences of celebrating Eid with the rest of the class.

The children had their spelling test on Friday. Well done to those who go them all right or nearly got full marks. I will put the test in your child’s reading record book next week along with their new set of spellings.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Week ending 7th May

I just wanted to say thank you to the parents who managed to participate in our parent’s evening this week. It was lovely to catch up with you all and it gave me a chance to talk to you about your child’s progress in school.


In Maths this week, we have been continuing with our addition and subtraction work, trying to solve sums by counting on or back. The counting backwards proved quite tricky for some children so they used their number square to help.

Any additional practise you can do at home with your child on subtraction would be greatly appreciated. I have put some links below to help.

In English, we have used our 'Man on the Moon' book as inspiration for writing our own stories. We have done lots of oral storytelling, making up our own class stories using a space theme. This is the beginning of our storytelling work which we are going to continue over the next two weeks.


Just a reminder PE is back to normal next week on MONDAY and FRIDAY.


Week ending 30th April

We’ve had another great week of learning in 1G!

In English we have continued with our space theme and read a new book called ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram. The children have enjoyed finding out about ‘Bob’ whose job is to clean the moon and found it particularly funny that Bob doesn’t realise there are any aliens there! The children have produced some super writing this week asking Bob questions and retelling the story. Some children even drew their own aliens in Art.

But we were also sad to find out that one of the astronauts we had been learning about, Michael Collins had died this week. It made us think about how historians use evidence (newspapers, photographs, personal recounts) to learn about famous events and people.

In Maths we have been practising our addition skills to 100, making sure we can count on accurately to get the answer. Some children have found this a little tricky as they do not feel confident enough to count to 100 without using a 100 square so I have added one below for extra practise. (Ideally by the end of Year One children should be able to count forwards and backwards from any number to 100 which means they can solve addition and subtraction problems mentally. Don’t forget there is a video on addition and subtraction in the ‘help with maths’ link above).

If you would like to continue to practise addition at home, I have added some games below.

The children had their spelling test on Friday. Well done to those who got them all right and those who nearly got full marks 😊. I will put the test in your child’s reading record book next week along with their new set of spellings.


Next week:

  • Mr Shingler’s PE lesson will be on TUESDAY 4th May instead of Friday, just for one week. Please remember to come to school in your PE clothes on TUESDAY.
  • Parent’s evening is on THURSDAY 6th May. I have sent your child’s time and zoom link to your email address. Please let me know if you haven’t received it.


Have lovely bank holiday weekend, see you on Tuesday!

Week ending 23rd April

It’s been another exciting week in 1G learning about Space. The children have found out how astronauts live onboard the International Space Station now as well as learning some more about Neil Armstrong’s Lunar landing. We have made space themed moving pictures using a slider mechanism and had lots of fun using the small world toys to make our own moon buggies or spaceships or re-enact the first moon landing.

In maths we have continued working with numbers to 100. We have used our mathematical equipment (dienes) to represent the numbers in tens and ones. We have used this information to compare 2 numbers to say which is greater or less than and also used it to order a group of numbers from the largest to smallest or smallest to largest. If you would like some more practise, there are some games below to help.

During the last two weeks in science, we have been investigating what materials different objects are made from. We have been on a ‘material’ hunt in the playground and this week we have been sorting objects made from the same materials into groups.

Week ending 16th April

This week the children have been enthusiastically learning about space as part of our new topic 5,4,3,2,1… Blast off! NASA and the European Space Agency need not worry about where the next generation of scientists and astronauts are coming from… because I think they are in 1G!

The children have shared what they already know about space and managed to ask the most thought-provoking questions, which we enjoyed discussing and finding the answers to, from ‘Why does Uranus spin on its side?’ to ‘Which planet has the most moons?’ or ‘Which woman was the first to walk on the moon?’ or ‘How long will it take to get to Mars and why hasn’t anyone been there yet?’ or 'Why did they send monkeys into space?'  These are just a few of the questions the children wanted to find answers for!

To help us understand the events from over 50 years ago (and to find some answers to our questions) we have been using our non-fiction books and watching old television news clips showing the real-life events. We even got to watch explorer Neil Armstrong taking his first step on the moon saying his famous words! We can't wait to carry on with this work next week.

In maths, we have been counting forwards from any number and recognising our numbers to 100. We have used a 100 square to look at the different number patterns and used this to find missing numbers. We have also used our place value cards to find out how many tens and ones are in a 2-digit number and used this to find missing numbers in sums. Maybe you would like to keep practising this at home.

Just a reminder that our PE days are still MONDAY and FRIDAY and as the weather is getting warmer, please could you ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day.

Don't forget to email me your preferred time slot for parent's evening. The letter is below in case you missed it.

