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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

4th November 2021

Today, I had the best afternoon with 2F thinking about keeping safe on Bonfire Night.  The children decided to make safety posters to help younger children to keep safe.  They worked together in groups first of all to brainstorm and share ideas about their posters and how they could look....

These were some of their ideas........

Then, they very cleverly, pinched ideas from each other to make their own, individual posters.  We agreed that the posters will have bits that are the same or similar but they could make them different by the way they organised their work and illustrated it.  Our next job will be to look at spellings and handwriting to see how we can improve them even more……

Some children are still working on their posters………..

It was a very busy, fun packed afternoon and I loved it! Thank you 2F

From Mrs Walkden
