Our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half-term and some ideas of how you can help at home.
Week beginning 24th July
What a busy way to end our final week in Year One😊! We all enjoyed the summer surprise on Tuesday and our toy day on Thursday.
During the summer break the children might like to continue to practise their phonics using the sound books and reading books that can be accessed online at the Oxford Owl website or take part in this year’s summer reading challenge (at the library) called Ready, Set, Read! More information can be found on the link below.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone for their generous and thoughtful gifts and cards. We hope you all enjoy the summer break and Mrs Gill will see you on Monday 4th September.
Love Miss Green and Mrs Hermans
Week beginning 17th July
We had lots of fun at our Sports afternoon and the sun was shining!
In maths we have been learning about time. We have used a clock face (analogue clock) and learnt how to recognise ‘o’clock’ and practised drawing the hour and minute hand on empty clock faces. This proved to be rather tricky as the children found it difficult to make sure the minute hand was longer than the hour hand. Next week we will learn about ‘half past’. There is a game in the folder above if your child wants to continue practising recognising time on a clock face.
In English we continued our adventures with Handa, using Handa’s Noisy Night and found out about nocturnal animals that live on the Savannah.
Next week
On Tuesday we will be having a summer term celebration arranged by Mrs Walkden, where children can come to school dressed in party clothes (more details can be found on the email). We are all excited to find out what it will be!
As Thursday is our last day together in Year One, the children are allowed to bring in their own toy but nothing too large, precious, expensive or electrical please.
Week beginning 10th July
It has been a lovely week in 1G and the children have enjoyed reading Handa’s Surprise in our English lessons. We have been practising using adjectives and different punctuation in our sentence writing as well as exploring the characters to write our own stories.
In maths we have been learning all about direction, using mathematical vocabulary to write instructions for characters to reach a destination. In computing we used this knowledge to program a beebot to reach a destination.
In circle time we talked about how we were feeling about moving classrooms and going into Year Two. We got to meet Mrs Gill this week and found out about some of the exciting things we will get to do with her in September.
Finally we hope to see you all at the school fair on Sunday but if you are you are looking for something else to do this weekend, why not take part in the Big Butterfly count. It starts on Friday (14th July) and runs until 6th August. Full details can be found on the link below.
Week beginning 3rd July
This week in maths we have continued learning about halves and quarters. So far, we have learnt how to share objects to find half and quarter of a group and investigated how to fold shapes to find half or a quarter of a shape. This week we have been making half and quarter turns with objects and next week we will finish this work with three-quarter turns. Phew!
The children have enjoyed working practically although sometimes we get a bit muddled. If the children want to carry on practising then there are some great games on Education City. The link is below.
In Geography we used Google Earth to travel around Kenya and find out about some of the other places tourists might visit apart from the Masai Mara. We have been so excited to learn about the animals that live in the savannah that we have started using this knowledge to build our own Kenyan safari’s when playing.
Next week
We are all keeping our fingers crossed for dry weather on Tuesday afternoon and look forward to taking part in sports day, 1.30pm in the park.
Week beginning 26th June
It’s been a great week of learning in 1G. After our exciting visit to the zoo last week, we were inspired to write some poetry all about the animals we saw. We even had a go at reading it out loud and performing to each other.
In science we have been finding out what animals who live on the Masai Mara like to eat. To help consolidate their learning the children had to be scientists and investigate ‘poo’ left behind by animals to find out if they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores (MIss Green tried to trick us by telling us it was real, but we knew it wasn’t!). The children who chose to take part in the activity really enjoyed themselves and made great scientific detectives 😊.
In dance we are ‘dancing through the decades’, starting with 1950’s and this week perfecting our disco dance moves to 1970’s music. We also manage to incorporate a bit of singing into our lessons as well, which we all seem to enjoy!
Have a good weekend everyone and let's hope the sun returns soon
Week beginning 19th June
On Tuesday we went on our much anticipated trip to Blackpool Zoo to see the animals. We arrived to find we had left the wet weather in Stretford behind and enjoyed a lovely sunny and warm day 😊. The children enjoyed the day immensely and there are some photos of the animals we saw below including the hungry seagull always on the look out for food!
Next week
Just a reminder – there are still places available in the Tuesday lunchtime gymnastics club.
Week beginning 12th June
Welcome back to school everyone. We hope you all enjoyed the lovely sunshine over the holidays. We are now in our final half term together... time just flies by. we are continuing with our topic Let's explore but this time we are going to learn all about going on holiday to Kenya.
In Geography we have found out where Kenya is in the world and learnt about the weather and how the seasons are different to ours. We found out some interesting facts about the animals that you might see on safari and wrote our own fact files about them. We also learnt about what it is like to live on the savannah by studying the Maasai tribe who live on the Masai Mara.
In art we have been practising our drawing skills by completing our own self-portraits. We were pleased with the results and the adults were impressed too!
Trip to Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday 20th June
We are all excited and can’t wait to go on our class trip. Just a couple of things to remember. Please wear school uniform and bring your packed lunch in a labelled disposable bag. You will not need your green book bag or reading folder on this day.
PE this half term will be Monday's and Tuesday's.