Hi everyone, welcome to Tuesday's home learning!
When you are playing the games or completing the activities, please do not worry if you make a mistake. They are all helping you to build on your learning. You can always have another go of the games on another day.
I hope you enjoy the activities!
In our topic work today we are going to find out more information about polar bears.
Read through the polar bear facts on the attached sheet with your grown-ups. Once you have done that I would like you to try to label the picture of the polar bear.
Please write on a piece of paper ch, sh, and th. Ask your child to tell you what sound each digraph makes. Today we are going to introduce 'ng'.
Look at the action picture below and listen to the 'ng' song. Explain to your child that the 'ng' sound can be found at the end of a word. For example, song, ring, sing.
Start by counting backwards from 10 to 0. Have a go at counting on from 10 to 20. Can you do 5 star jumps, touch your toes 8 times and stand on one leg for the count of 10. Ok, now your brains and your bodies are warmed up! I want you to have a look at the Polar Region I Spy. There is a version to 10 and a version to 20. Look and count how many different animals and objects you can count. Take your time and count slowly. Look at the number formation sheet to help you write your numbers correctly.
As a change today I thought you might like to listen to me reading a rhyme that I would like you to do the actions for. I will attach a copy of the movement rhyme below if you would like to read it to your child.
Well done for being fantastic today. Now it is time for you to enjoy a funny story called Polar Bear's Underwear. I hope you enjoy listening. See you all tomorrow.
Mrs Spooner x