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Week beginning 13th & 20th July 2020

Welcome to the English Page!

Our story this week is called 'The Kissing Hand' by Audrey Penn. Meet Chester the raccoon! He is a little raccoon who is feeling quite worried about going to school. I imagine you guys are feeling quite similar eh? Well, listen to the story and let your feelings flow in whatever way you need to. x

Story Time with Chester Raccoon!

Draw a story map of the story The Kissing Hand, after you have listened to it. The story map will illustrate the structure and the important ingredients of the story by following the:


Who? Where? Where Next? Why? The Problem? The Solution? Where Last? Feelings?

Returning to school, to Year One in September is going to be 


There is a lot to feel excited about! New teacher, new classroom, new toys, new knowledge and feeling a bit more grown up! These great things will make you feel happy! At the same time though, you might feel a bit worried because you haven't been in school for a while and it's all going to be unfamiliar. You might also feel sad because you are leaving behind all the things that you know so well - your teachers, your classroom and your toys. It is ok to feel all of these feelings - let it happen and talk about it with your family.


Why not think back to what a lovely time you had in Reception? Have a go at completing this...


Why not have a chat with your grown ups about getting busy and making sure you are as ready as you can be for Year One? Maybe you are already ready? Maybe there are just a few things to practise?


What are you hoping and wishing for when you go to Year One? Write your wishes down! This really helps you to work through your feelings. 


You should feel proud of yourself, of who you are, what you like and don't like, what you are good and what you find tricky x Knowing and talking about these things will help you to feel strong when you are feeling a bit wobbly! Fill in this sheet as if you are telling your new teacher all about yourself...

