Have you seen that Mrs Walkden needs your help with Super Star Shout Outs this week? You can read her message if you follow the link below...
Hello Reception 2! It is Thursday! Here is your super learning for today!
At Chinese New Year people wish one another a Happy New Year! A popular New Year greeting is
Gung Hey Fat Choy!
These words mean
Wishing you good fortune and happiness!
Can you say this to one another?
Well done!
Here is another retell of the story The Great Race
This year’s zodiac animal for 2021 is the Ox. Have a go at drawing an Ox by following this tutorial…
Thursday’s Literacy Work
Below you will see some simple sentences that talk about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. But oh dear! They are all jumbled up! Can you and your grown up work together to put them back into the right order so that they make sense?! Can you re-write them using beautiful finger spaces and remembering to pop a full stop at the end of the sentence?
Grownups you can read the activity on the screen and use plain paper to re-write the jumbled sentences. You could write the words on separate bits of paper and re-order them that way. A link to the worksheets is below if you can print them.
Today and tomorrow we are going to recap these phonemes again
ai ee igh oa
These digraphs are usually found in the middle of words.
Draw a little table like the one below for your child. Say these words out loud and clearly to them (don’t let them see them!) and they have to find the correct column to write them in.
toad night wait peek
main coat light seen
ai |
ee |
igh |
oa |
For Tricky Words spelling practise today why not select a few of the Tricky Words that you know your child needs to practise and play a game of Hangman or Noughts and Crosses with them?!
Thursday’s Maths Work
Stepping away from prepositions today, enjoy practising writing some Chinese Numerals. This PowerPoint will show you how…
Thursday’s Physical Challenge
Use your super cutting skills to make a Chinese lantern. Use red paper if you have it but if you haven’t don’t worry! Use plain paper and draw some lovely patterns on it or maybe some Chinese writing?
Getting moving children and go on a colours scavenger hunt!
Here is an idea of a scavenger hunt sheet that you can draw for your child or alternatively these is a print off below the picture. (please note, if printing this sheet off just print off the first sheet)
Time for a story with Mrs Cook. This story is all about a little girl at home in China, who finds shapes in everything she sees!…
Thanks for all of your hard work children and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Mrs Cook x