Hello R2 Families
We have had a super week and our topic about under the sea adventures has hugely captured the children's interest. We read Man Fish, a factual story about Jacques Cointreu, a man from 100 years ago, who made a huge difference to what we all know about ocean life. We talked about his dream to be able to breathe and explore the oceans and about how dreams can come true, if you put your mind to it! A really inspiring book that evoked lots of questions and discussion. Listen to it with your child here and let them tell you what they have learnt!
We have been recapping 3D shapes in maths an enjoyed a 3D shape hunt with Mrs Howarth. I phonics we have paused learning about the Level 3 phonemes and we are working hard to really secure the Level 3 letter sounds that we have leant so far. These definitely need extra practise at school and a home so please practise recognising them and reading them in words:
ai ee igh oa
oo(long) oo(short)
ar or ur
Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Mrs Cook xxx